chapter 56

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"hello priya, it's me Sundar uncle ", hearing his voice priya heaved a big relief sigh.

" uncle how are you? How is the company going? Did you find any information about my parents? Uncle, I forgot to inform you about my number. But how did you got my number?"

"Priya relax. Relax. I got your number from your friend Swetha and Swetha's number, I got from her father. The company is going well now. How is everything going over there? Are you okay priya "

"Yes, uncle I'm good here. What about my parents,  uncle?", priya asked hesitantly.

" hmmm_ we are still investigating dear. One more thing, happy Diwali priya " 

Diwali. She almost forgot that today is Diwali.

his voice sounds so seems he's very worried about her. He's her father's best friend, from birth, this man always been there for her in each and every situation.

"Happy Diwali to you too uncle "

" priya remember this ,your parents always been proud of you. Their only wish is, you have to be happy. I can't speak to you for a long time. Like a mad man that Prithvi is searching for you all around. So be careful. Don't go anywhere, stay safe. if you need anything contact me. Take care da"

"You too take care uncle "

The line ended. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath. Even though she knows its mostly impossible but like a miracle happening in movies,  she too wants her parents to stay alive somewhere.

Suddenly she had a thought, did Prithvi made this to her parents. No. She shook her is it possible? Her mom is Prithvi's own sister. But_ but what if it's true? What if he did all this to make her alone and helpless?

While she is in deep contemplation, someone cleared their throat to get her attention.

While adjusting her face into a calm one, priya turned around. She saw a tall beautiful blonde standing, holding two wine glasses in both her hands.

"Hi, I'm Angelina, financial department head", the blonde said with a smile.

Even though it totally seems to be a fake smile, at this moment it doesn't matter to priya. She just wants to spend her time alone.

" I'm priya, the personal secretary of dam_, I mean CEO", the women nodded impatiently.

Priya looked at her curiously. If she doesn't have any patience means why she's here.

"Actually Since we are colleagues it'll be helpful for both us if we get to know each other. Here ", she gave one wine glass towards priya, " let's take a toast for our first meeting "

Priya skeptically looked at the wine, then she thought, ' maybe drinking wine will wash away her sorrow as well as move this fake smiling lady away from her '.

Priya took the cup and poured it into her mouth in one gulp. After drinking it she felt like her whole head is spinning .she shook her head two times.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw that blonde woman disappeared already.

So that blonde came just to give this drink to her. did she add any poison in it? If she did, she will be directly taken to prison for such an obvious plotting? She doesn't seem like an idiot though.

Priya shrugged her shoulder and  licked her lips,'this wine taste is not bad'

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Priya shrugged her shoulder and  licked her lips,'this wine taste is not bad'

She called one nearby waiter and got two glasses to drink. With continuous thoughts running in her mind, priya started to drink more to vanish her loneliness.


" What did you give to her?", asked David curiously to the blonde woman walking towards him with a victorious smirk.

"Don't worry, I Just gave a mild drug to that bitch ", Angelina answered with disgust.

"Oh baby, I'm not worried about her I'm worried about you. You didn't saw the reaction Damon showed when I just flirted with her. So if anything happens to her,  " David clicked his tongue playfully. 

(Chapter:33 for reference to this scene 👆)

Angelina scoffed. "I'm not that foolish. That drug will  Just make her true self come out. Most of the women don't be innocent like they portray themselves. So just making her true bitchy self come out will ruin that cinderella image she created in this party ", she said venomously while taking a sip in her drink.

" you mean a woman like you. What you said is true. Before dating you I too thought you're an innocent woman. But alas after that only I came to know your true personality ", David rolled his eyes dramatically.

" renowned playboy like you don't have any right to point my personality "

"Says the woman who changes her boyfriend like a kerchief "


"Bro taste this, it's so good  ", Jason shoved a chicken leg piece towards Damon's mouth.

Damon took it in his hand and tasted it lightly with hesitation. After tasting it his eyes widened, without another word he devoured it completely. 

" bro taste this ", this time without hesitation Damon ate.

After completely eating to their heart's content, " bro, those dishes are very tasty. next time we should ask your priya to make different dishes ", Jordan especially pressed the word ' your ' so that his big brother would easily agree to his request.

" hmm", Damon nodded while looking around the crowd to find her. He has been away from her for more than 20 minutes. This time is more enough to accept his proposal right.

When his roaming eyes looked at the musical band area, it stilled abruptly.

He hurriedly walked towards the band area in Long strides.

"Priya", he yelled towards the girl who is now talking with the band team of five members, who were carrying various instruments in their hands.

"Hey Damon ", Priya waved her hand with a playful smile on her face.damon froze looking at that smile. This is the first time, she showed this kind of smile to him.

"Two minutes chellam, please ", Priya said pouting while showing her puppy eyes.


Damon stilled

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Damon stilled. She looks so fucking adorable. How can he resist this cute face?

Next update tomorrow

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