chapter 49

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Early morning rays filled the room completely, illuminating the silluelete of a girl, who is sleeping deeply, with a gentle smile on her face, like she's having a good dream.

Next moment the whole room filled with a piece of loud music. Swetha came inside the room, in her sleepwear, carrying a big loudspeaker, which is playing their favorite folk song 'Marana mass'.

('Marana mass' is one of the famous folk Tamil song. link is above👆)

When the sleeping priya heard the loud noise near her ear, she immediately startled awake. she glared daggers at the culprit, who is now shaking her vigorously.

"Happy Diwali pribaby ", Swetha yelled.

Priya just blinked in response. This is the first time from her birth she's celebrating Diwali without her parents. every Diwali, her parents would wake her up with a new traditional dress, and a very big smile on their face. Even though both of them are very busy, they would always make sure all three of them spend valuable family time, especially during festival times.

" priya"


"What are you thinking so deeply ", Swetha asked curiously while looking deeply at her.

"Huh I'm just thinking about today's party "

"Oh", Swetha nodded

" Happy Diwali sweety ", priya said while hugging her tightly.

"Happy Diwali. Come on let's celebrate ", Swetha said while pulling her to to the floor along with her.

Whenever the friends are happy, excited especially depressed, they will play their favorite songs and dance crazily without any care in the world

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Whenever the friends are happy, excited especially depressed, they will play their favorite songs and dance crazily without any care in the world. Tamil folk songs are their stress reliever.with the fast beat of the songs, they will dance crazily. Since they always dance for their favorite songs, all their steps will be perfectly synced in coordination.

Priya felt all her sadness melt away from her in the form of sweat.

Both of them danced crazily for nearly half an hour and lied down tiredly on the floor, like a dead fish.

Both of them danced crazily for nearly half an hour and lied down tiredly on the floor, like a dead fish

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Suddenly like remembering something, Swetha turned towards priya who is also lying tiredly beside her." Priya yesterday what happened? why you came back with a red face?"

Priya became stiff. Thinking about yesterday, automatically her mind showed zoom face of that demon kissing her so gently.

"Wait. Oh yes.yesterday  you even ran inside like your escaping from someone. Not only that, you straight away ran away to your room and didn't came out after that", Swetha asked while sitting on the floor, in the Indian style.

Shit.she can't tell anything regarding Damon to her and she herself not clear about anything.

" hmmm, I..yesterday... I ran because it's urgent..yup..nature call", priya said while sitting on the floor like Swetha.

"Oh then why your face _"

"What's the time now ", priya asked interrupting her sentence.

" it's 7:30. Why?"

" oh my God. I need to call that Indian restaurant and also that decoration team leader ", priya said anxiously while getting up from the floor and walked towards her room in hurried steps.

Swetha looked suspiciously at her friend's running back. she clearly can see that she's changing the topic also the previous answer also is a lie. Her stuttering itself proved to her that she's lying.

What happened yesterday? Priya didn't told much related to her office.swetha is well aware of her best friend's charms. Wherever she goes definitely there will be stories of at least one boy chasing her. but each and every time,  automatically she would also hear that particular person vanished or some even dead.

" sweety ask Adam to confirm about firecrackers which I told yesterday ", priya shouted from her bedroom.

" yeah", Swetha responded back moved towards her room to get the work done.

Priya didn't have time to think about her past anymore today. she called and confirmed all the people with whom she made preparation for today's party. even though one-day preparation is not possible anywhere but the name "miller family " itself made everything easier for her. the name itself is like magic. Wherever you go and tell the name ' miller', the work will be automatically done.

"Your done ", said Swetha after giving the last touch up.

Priya opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror.

" wow ", she said while looking at herself in the mirror

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" wow ", she said while looking at herself in the mirror .her beautiful dress combined with Swetha's stunning makeup made her look like a princess.

" thank you sweety ", priya said while hugging Swetha heartily. this year Diwali dress she got from her best friend. After her parents, she has only her.

" thank you for always being there for me ", priya whispered softly with her misty eyes.

" pribaby you're ruining my masterpiece ", Swetha said while wiping her eyes in the corner softly with a tissue paper.

" now go. It's already 4oclock. The cab is already here ", Swetha said while ushering her outside.

" When will you be there "

"Within an hour ill be there along with adam "

" don't forget to wear the Diwali dress which I presented you", priya said near the door with a warning look.

" yes mam ", Swetha said while saluting like a soldier.

" Okay bye. Come soon ", priya hugged her one last time and walked out.

Priya paid the tranced, young cab driver and hurriedly walked inside the guest house.

" Welcome mam, your very beautiful today ", the mansion secretary welcomed her more politely than before.

"Thank you. Did the Miller family arrived?"

"No mam. They will be here at 5 pm mam"

"Ok", she replied and walked towards the party place to overlook the arrangements.

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