chapter 53

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Lisa who can't control her curiosity asked Olivia, " do you know them "

Andrew answered with a proud face, " he's our only son adam "

Lisa and James didn't noted much about the man who's standing beside priya till now. But after hearing this, both their eyes immediately fixed to the blue eyes handsome man standing beside their future daughter in law.

Next moment James' eyes automatically moved towards his precious son. As expected their he saw his son standing with an intense cold aura around him.his whole surrounding screams danger.

After eating to their stomach full, priya asked with a panic, " oh my gosh I almost forgot about fireworks. did you guys bought them "

" don't worry we already gave it to this mansion secretary "

"Oh okay"

when the oblivious trio walked towards the party area, two middle-aged couple surrounded them, Mr and Mrs miller stood in front while Mr and Mrs smith stood hiding behind them.

"Mr.james this is my friends swetha ", she said pointing towards Swetha, " this is adam ", she said pointing adam, " oh sir..we already gave the fireworks to this mansion secretary "

" good. I'll take of it "

"Nice to meet you mr.miller ", adam said raising his hand for a handshake.

" Nice to meet you too Mr.adam smith ", James said shaking hands with him.

" mr.miller?", priya whispered to Swetha.


" shouldn't we call him Mr.James "

" oh my God priya. You should address them with their second name, not the first name. Shit I too forgot to remind you before"

"But then the whole family have to addressed with the same name ah. This upper class is so confusing"

" aren't you upper class yourself ", Swetha scoffed.

" yeah but in Chennai, there is no family names and all "

" your right. But here once you get familiar with them you can use first name base "


All five people near them heard their loud whispering, with a tactic understanding, they all remained silent. In the middle of their conversation when adam tried to warn them, James silenced him with his glare.

After they completed their serious whispering James is the first one who laughed and broke the silence.

"Priya that's fine can call us with the first name. you don't need to add Mr and Mrs to us. Right darling ", Lisa said lightly patting her head while the last line she said turning towards her husband who in return smiled at her.

Priya smiled brightly at the middle-aged woman who is frequently reminding of her mother with her warm motherly smile.

" Olivia it seems like your son completely has forgotten his parents ", Andrew said coming behind them with his wife.

" dad! mom!", adam is shocked to see his parents here.

He hugged his dad.

" it seems Swetha also forgotten her aunt", Olivia said with a fake sad face.

" aunty!", Swetha exclaimed while hugging her happily.

" adam I'm really surprised to see you here. This week you were so busy that you didn't even have time to come home. but What are you doing here son?", Andrew asked with a smirk.

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