chapter 57

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Sorry friends for the late update. I actually felt very confused about selecting her song.atlast I selected this one.i hope all like it.

Damon felt Like thousands of arrows pierced his heart. He dazedly looked at her.

This is the first time she showed a smile to him.

This is the first time she showed this adorable spoiled look to him.

He wants to see more of this charming side of her.

"Damonnnnnn", Priya yelled while stomping her right leg like a child.

Wow so cute. Damon came back from his daze.he cleared his throat and awkwardly nodded at priya.

" thank you chellam ", priya happily gave one flying kiss to Damon.

" thank you chellam ", priya happily gave one flying kiss to Damon

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This time he felt millions of arrows piercing his hear. right now his heart is beating like this is how it feels like getting a flying kiss from her. He really likes this feeling.

'Chellam', he needs to find meaning for this word. Very Soon he has to learn her language.

Wait.why she's behaving very oddly. Is she drunk? If she always behaves like this during her drunken stage means, he will happily make her drink. But only when he's with her.

" see boss itself gave permission, now anna, give me that mic ", she pulled one mic from the singer, " and here play this karaoke ", she gave her phone to him.


"Good evening to one and all gathered here", she said through the mic.

Hearing her cheerful voice, Everyone turned their attention towards her.

Damon felt a Deja Vu looking at this scene.

It's not only Damon who felt like that, but the whole band crew also felt a Deja Vu looking at the same Indian girl, who created a big havoc in their club some days ago.especially the singer whom she called as 'anna ' looked at his friend pitifully and asked, " do I look like a brother? Last time also she called only me as a brother ". In return, his friend patted his shoulder while trying to suppress his laugh.

" Happy Diwali friends. To celebrate this wonderful day I'd like to sing a song. Shall I ", priya said the last line while looking around the people for their response.

Everyone cheered for her to sing especially men.
Damon looked at them coldly and resolved to himself that he will not let her get drunk at parties.

" thank you ", she bowed her head, " I'd like to dedicate this song to my dad, even though its kind of a love failure song, it's my dad's favorite ", she said while shrugging her shoulder playfully. She then turned and gave a signal to the man nearby to start to play the karaoke.

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