Chapter 16

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he cleared his throat a few times.Seriously is he gonna sing or something. he continued while speaking  with a ruff voice like Mr.James " thank you for recommending such a competent secretary to me.I'm satisfied with her ", he said literally copying the demanding tone of my boss .
He continued, "Priya how did you melt that steel man.normally he won't recognize anyone easily but you did it within a short span of time. how did you achieve it?"

Wow, I'm so happy hearing his words. My boss is the person who is extremely hard to please. Getting such a remark from him makes me so  giddy with joy. this is the fruit of my first, I completely felt out of place in that place .new culture. But those things didn't scare me.

The first three days of the training period I made use of Margaret completely. She gave me all the information regarding the business as well as some basic personal information of Mr James. She's such a sweetheart. I miss her so much after that training period. she gave me all her personal information and we also promised to meet each other at her grandson's upcoming birthday.

After that training period, my boss gave me lots and lots of workloads. I did everything without breaking my calm facade. I also heard before there were nearly 10 people whom he took as a secretary but nobody passed the training period. I'm the first one who is selected and personally accepted by him. Seeing my sincerity and hard work he started to depend on my work just like he did to Margaret. Gradually he also warmed up to me. For the past few days, I felt him treat me like an elder who treats their peers. Even though he won't show it outwards he started to show little concern like whenever I myself asked to work late he will order me to leave before dark.

"PRIYAAAAAAA", I jerked when I felt someone shake me beside me. I turned towards right and saw Swetha looking at me with a fake angry face while keeping her hands on her hip."What happened?"I asked her innocently.

"Seriously...Priya You have been zoned out for nearly 10 minutes. What are you thinking so deeply ?"

"Sorry ..What you were asking Adam, "I asked while turning towards Adam.

He shook his head and said, "never is your experience in that office .did you meet any the name of Damon ", he murmured the last line with some nervousness. I can't able to catch it properly.

so I asked "what?? which person ?"

"I mean did you got any new friends ?"

"Oh yeah...I got two friends Emily and Isabel. Emily is my floor that is CEO floor's Secretary .if there is any extra work we both will do it together and Isabel is the receptionist.emily and I got well together on the day of my interview itself but Isabel is not like that.on the first day she spoke to me with a bitchy attitude but that is also due to the fact, that day the previous girls who came to the interview didn't treat her well that's why she behaved like that .but later she also warmed up to me. right now we all three are really close."

"That's good to hear, "he said with some relieved expression.
Why he's looking so relieved?
After 10 minutes we reached my office first. then I left them after saying my goodbye.

Adam promised that we'll meet later and Swetha said that she will come a little late today so she asked me to get to bed without waiting for her. since we both are having our keys for our apartment that's not the problem at all.

When I got inside the office, both Emily and Isabel winked at me, in return, I too winked at them.

When I got inside the office, both Emily and Isabel winked at me, in return, I too winked at them

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this is the hobby which we developed recently.winking at each other in the name of 'hi',but most of the time no always we wink at each other flirtingly .there was also one incident ,five days back,one tall American man approached and started flirting with me ,at that particular time  Emily came across me coincidentally,out of habit we winked at each other flirtingly,seeing our actions that young Blondie man immediately closed his blabbering and asked me that whether I am a  lesbian, since I don't want to clear any confusion, I just shrugged my shoulder and went past him.who cares about what others think about us but I also used this as a protective cover against men.

today I've to submit yesterday's completed documents to the moment I went inside my room I started to arrange it. being the Secretary of CEO has its own advantages and disadvantages.according to me, the major advantage is having our personal room. even though this room is not as excellent as CEO's it is also really cool. there is an office desk in the centre of the room.there is also one couch on the left side of the desk. the right side of the desk is occupied by a rack for placing the documents.
I took the necessary documents and went to my boss's room.

I knocked on the door two times. When I heard the faint 'come in', I went inside the room and saw Mr.James standing in front of the side view mirror and gazing out, this room has the amazing view, from here we can see the whole new York in the different light. I sighed to myself and carried on with my work.

I neatly arranged the completed documents on the CEO's desk. When I turned towards him, I noticed that today Mr.James is looking a little dull or we can say that his controlling aura is reduced slightly.

sensing my gaze on him, he turned towards me.
Immediately I changed my curiosity mode to my professional mode." good morning sir. it's only 7.30 you reached very early sir", I said to him due to the fact that usually, my boss would come to the office at 9 a.m.

"Good morning Priya. yeah, today I'm feeling little off because of my son Damon "he sighed and went near his desk.

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