chapter 86

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"Damon, relax"

"How can I relax? Always something is interrupting my time with you. I should move to an island where only we two can live. Damn it "

Priya giggled. she never knew he also has this cute, funny side.

Since the change of pairing is moving in a clockwise direction, a man, wearing a blue mask stood awkwardly near the couple.

He cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Damon ", Priya pushed Damon away.

"Not a chance. You're not dancing with anyone. Let's go"

"Damon, everyone is staring. we should not create a scene. ", Priya pleaded. She already turned red in embarrassment. Because of his childish tantrum, everyone is looking at them. Even the bright center stage light is focussed towards them. She doesn't want to become headlines tomorrow.

"Let's continue whatever we started, back in your home", Priya showed her puppy eyes. This is the only weapon she can use in public. If they are alone means she would have kissed him in his cheeks.

"Ugggg fine", Damon sighed.

He turned towards the man, "If you touch her I'll kill you. Pass this to the next man too ", Damon reluctantly walked away and partnered with the awaiting woman.

That woman felt too excited seeing Damon, she came here with an old man, who's not even half powerful as Damon. Even though she saw him being head over heels for his fiance. She doesn't care. Which men ever been not tempted by other women. Especially powerful men. Even being his side affair is profitable to her.

"Mr.Miller ", she called him sweetly.

The man held her waist lightly with consciousness," I don't have any death wish but we can't dance without holding hands", he laughed.

Priya laughed awkwardly, "yeah, sorry he's a little possessive", she lightly held his hand and placed her other hand on her shoulder.


'why they are laughing', Damon glared at the man dancing with priya.


"Shut up", Damon yelled at the irritating women.


Priya's partner changed 5 times. Each dance didn't even last for 1 minute. whenever She's starting to dance with a new partner soon that the piano sound is playing which  indicates the change of partners. The funny thing is that the  first man she danced with, passed the message, " if you touch her I'll kill you, Mr.Miller warning", to the next partner. Like this, each partner passed the same message to the next one. Since the surrounding is a little dark she can't find where Damon is. is he enjoying dancing with other women?


Grey looked around searching for one particular firecracker woman. When the changing partner phase started, just like waiting for the opportunity she escaped from him. He has a feeling that she's not in this room. Should he go and rescue his feisty kitten before she falls into any trap?


**Fast piano music**

'Oh God when did this whole dancing fun will get over. dancing with these high heels, My leg is paining like hell ',

Just like before her current dance partner faced the new man and said," Mr.Miller warned, if you touch her I'll kill you"

But in return, the man chuckled and approached priya, "paappom"

(Will see)

Priya's whole body stiffened hearing the familiar voice. He's dead right. Yeah, he's dead. It's not him. It must be her illusion. Why she's feeling an ominous environment surrounding her. First, she needs to find Damon.

When she turned around, her hand automatically grabbed and she was pulled into a hard embrace.

An arm wrapped tightly around her waist, her one hand is made to place on his broad shoulder while her other hand is tightly entwined with his hand in a firm grip.

Priya looked at him with wide eyes.

It's him. he's wearing a similar mask like the one she's wearing.then_then is this all his arrangement. she shivered feeling that familiar obsessive gaze wandering her figure from head to toe.

"Don,t you miss me baby girl", Prithvi smiled darkly. His eyes completely focused on her, drinking all her features.

"I miss you so much", Prithvi leaned in.

Priya flinched.

"I miss your scent", He inhaled deeply near her neck.

Priya started to struggle to get away from him. why nobody is helping her? when she looked around she noticed that she's in an extreme corner of the hall, all the corners of the hall is filled with complete darkness. those beautiful dot like lights are only directed towards the center of the hall.

"why you always trying to run away from me? I'm hurt, priya", he said in a pained voice at the same time his grip tightened around her waist.

Priya winced in pain.

Damon, where are you? previous dances and all finished within one minute .why this dance is taking so long? Priya's eyes wandered around the hall to find the man who always makes her feel loved.

"Are you searching for him", Prithvi harshly whispered in rage. he released his grip and spun her around continuously till she becomes dizzy and then he pulled her towards him, this time, he back hugged her. his one arm around her waist, other hand held hers.

"did you forgot what happened to the boys who tried to approach you?", he said while casually swaying priya following the slow beats of music.

"oh my! the boy whom you accepted the proposal is my favorite", Priya's eyes reddened. Yes. she always felt she's responsible for those innocent people's death. even though she consoles herself that she only came to know about this during her captive stay in his mansion, if not she would have stopped all this. still, she can't wash away her guilty feeling. those innocent boys, their family. everyone suffered only because of her.

"Now ,do you think I'll let go of the man who tried to claim what's already mine as his", her eyes widened.

"no!!!!you_you can't do anything to him. he's powerful. yup",priya nodded to herself, "this time you are the one who's going to suffer"

Prithvi stilled then the next moment he roared in laughter.

Next chapter I'll try to update by Saturday guys. Happy Pongal friends 😊😊.

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