chapter 1

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The sky is dark but New York is still bright. The club is even brighter and louder than outside. Since it's Friday night, the whole club is packed tightly. On the dance floor, people are grinding with each other in the name of dance. I don't know why I feel so boring seeing the same old thing again and again. I need some refreshment. I need some change. I had everything money, power, just looking at my attractive body, girls would fall for me in a single glance .still my heart feels empty. I want to love and to be loved.

"Damon, what are you thinking man?" My friend Jason asked me with a curious gaze.

If I tell him my thoughts, this playboy will definitely make fun of me.
"nothing man. My head is just aching because of this loud music Just buy me a drink"

"No. You don't seem like you were in pain but rather you seem like you're in deep thinking. Anyway, I'll get u a drink man", he patted my shoulder and walked away.

Sometimes my friend also uses his brain huh.

Thud... The club is silenced by the continuous sound of glass breaking.
Since I was sitting in my separate VIP room, I can't able to see the culprit.

Again another drunkard breaking my property. It seems like this is the 9th insane man in this month itself. From the sound itself, I can guess that man broken nearly 4 glass bottles.

Other breakers didn't caught in my hand but this idiot is going to get beating directly from my hands.

I thought and started to walk towards the common area.

The moment when I spotted the culprit, I changed my mind.

If this bottle breaker caught in my hands, I'd definitely give all the bottles in my club for her to break, directly from my hands.
The breaker is not a man but a woman. Not only that she is a beautiful woman.

She had a good hourglass shape. She is not skinny. She had curves in the right places. Her curves are abundant. She had a long black shiny hair which reaches near her butt. She has fair skin but not pale like us. She had large dark brown eyes. Since she's smiling at the nearby girl, I can also able to see her cute set of dimples.
Her face is like an angel. But her body is like a seductress. she's taking another bottle in her hands in order to break it.

This drunken beauty is having fun huh. Let her enjoy.
I thought while shrugging my shoulders.

I know I'm biased but what to do I can't take my eyes off her

Right now she's walking, no staggering towards the raised platform which is meant for singing.

After claiming the platform, she told something to the band crew, for which the singer nodded his head and gave the Mike to her while smiling brightly.

Why this singer is showing all his teeth to her? Are they taking any toothpaste advertisement?

After getting the Mike, she cleared her throat, smilingly looked at everyone,

"Ingu koodi irukkum anaivarakkum", she paused and suddenly joined her hands in front of her chest and told, "En vanakkathai therivithu kolgiraen", while bowing her head deeply.

(Ingu koodi irukkum anaivarakkum-for the people who are gathered here)

(en vanakkathai therivithu kolgiraen-I'd like to convey my warm welcome)

When she finished her sentence, a mild clapping sound is heard in the silent room, since others are blinking without understanding even a single word including me.

I turned around to see who are the people who can understand her.

In this story, I've written some Tamil words whose meaning I'll convey in the below line itself using the brackets().
Tamil is one of the Indian languages.

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