chapter 55

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Damon reluctantly removed his hand from her mouth with a yearning gaze. Before turning towards his family, he caught her wrist with his left hand, so that she won't run away from him. He patiently cutted the cake with his right hand and fed his mother with a warm smile, followed by his father and at last his sister and her husband. While feeding them, he made sure he didn't used the finger which is bitten by Priya.

The whole time Priya absent mindedly stood at the side while contemplating her current scenario. She had millions of thoughts running inside her mind. Damon took her first kiss. The funny thing is she didn't felt any disgust or hatred towards him for taking her first kiss without her permission. She never let that Prithvi psycho take advantage of her. Even when he tried to rape her, she resisted with her utmost effort and escaped from him. But now, why she's being so weak to demon's advances.

James then called one nearby waiter, " distribute this cake to everyone and ask the band team to play something for dance".

"Yes sir"

"Friends what kind of party will be enjoyable without fun. So before starting our dinner time, why don't we all have fun, " after making an announcement James turned towards his wife, "excuse me, lady, can you be my honorable partner for the upcoming dance", he said bowing deeply towards her like a gentleman and raised his right hand to her.

" of course gentleman ", she said happily while giving her hand graciously to him.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith couple also followed them and started to dance. Adam looked at his phone and priya with a conflicted look. Reluctantly he accepted his assistant's call and walked away from the party after giving one yearning gaze towards her.

Everyone dispersed and formed a big empty circle in the middle to dance.with the music playing in the background, couples started to dance first, other single men and women approached each other and started to dance.the people who are not interested in dancing just stood in the outside of the circle, cheering up or chatting among themselves.

Damon noticed many men's longing eyes casted towards the absentminded girl in his hand.he also noticed some even coming towards their direction. He immediately glared at them with a warning, in return, everyone retrieved their gazes and moved away casually.

Damon pulled her along to the center of the location where people were dancing.

" Damon what are you doing? Let me go. I don't know to dance ", priya angrily whispered at him while struggling to pull her wrist away from his iron grip.

"Just follow my lead ", He easily pulled her towards himself while wrapping his right arm around her waist and entwining her right-hand fingers with his left hand.

When his right arm touched her bare waist, Priya's whole body stiffened. " da_damon I don't know Why are you doing this to me? But please stop it. ", she said directly looking at his eyes while dancing along with him. She knew she can't pull any stunt here. She has to be calm to maintain his reputation as well as her's.but that doesn't mean he will accept everything he does. she too has a limit.

"Stop what ", he said while tightening his grip on her waist.

Priya gasped, " stop this. Stop touching me. Stop kissing me. Stop looking at me like this ", she said while moving her eyes from his intense gaze.

" Stop behaving like I'm yours "

"Your mine "

"What", she asked looking back at his eyes.

" be my girlfriend"

" what? Your kidding right. We just met recently. It's just you must be intrigued about me. yes must be it", she started to ramble but looking at his sincere eyes, she stopped, she knew that he's being honest.

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