chapter 5

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 Where am I? It feels like I'm flying. this must be the effect of drinking alcohol. since this is my first time, I shouldn't have drunk that much.

why did it feel like someone is holding me in the air?

Hmmm, the cold breeze against my warm skin feels so refreshing.

But Who is this man who is holding me?

right now he's carrying me in bridal style and walking fastly with hurried steps like he's escaping from someone. since he's looking forward I can only able to see his sharp chin clearly, I can't able to figure out his other features in the dark.

Oh yes, He must be that impudent man from the club who caged me in his arms while I was admiring that rare conjoined pole.

wait. Where is he taking me?

Oh no At my first time in the club itself, did I got caught by the bad people?

I should've listened to Swetha, she is right. I'm not suitable to go to a club at all.

But mr.arrogant or mr.i'm the one who own you all or whatever doesn't seem like a bad man at all.he is like a powerful man who excludes imposing and dominant aura.

These nicknames suit him well. I thought and giggled to myself.

Hearing my giggles, the man bowed his head and took a glance at me.

Oh my god.he's not Mr. Arrogant. Then who is this man?

This man also looks good but not as good as Mr. Arrogant. He also doesn't seem like a bad person. Then who is he? Is he kidnapping me?

"hey... Are you kidnapping me?  if yes, then where are you taking me? " I asked him.

Why my voice is so different? and I feel like I'm slurring my words.

Yep it must the effect of alcohol.

I heard a slight chuckle above me. When my vision got little clear, my eyes met with the smiling blue eyes.
Wow. Such a beautiful eyes color. I really envy those foreigners who naturally have such a colorful eye.

"your eyes are so beautiful" I blurted and touched his cheek while admired his eyes.

The man stiffened due to my sudden touch, later he relaxed.

"Mr. Blue eyes I have one question"
I asked him.

"what is it dear?"

"no, I'm not deer. I'm a human"

He laughed hearing my response. Did I make any jokes?

"OK, what is it human?"

"what steps should I follow to get eyes like you naturally" I specifically emphasized the word 'naturally' for his better understanding.

He stopped walking hearing my question.

"seriously, " he asked looking at me in an unbelievable expression.

"Yeah, I'm asking seriously. I want you to tell all the steps clearly. No, you should write it in a paper and give me" I told him with determination while folding my hands.

"seriously this is the question you want to ask  a stranger who is carrying you without your permission"

"yeah, now I remembered. Who are you? Where are you taking me?" I asked him loudly.

Then I beckoned him with my fingers to lean forward. He complied with a confused expression.

Poor kid.

Then I brought my lips closer to his ears.

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