chapter 9

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"thank you so much if you guys are not there I don't know what would've happened to me, "I told dimly just thinking about the possible bad outcomes would have happened to me in case if they are absent.

" Hey, it's OK. It may happen when you were in a high drunken stage," said Adam while patting my shoulder lightly.
" but next time onwards when you're going to drink take someone with you. You can also call me I'll accompany you. Okay. " he said with a genuine smile on his face.

I nodded my head returning his smile.

" oh yeah let me introduce myself my lady." he said while standing upright and raising his hands for a handshake   "I'm Adam Smith, the vice president of Smith enterprises and also a family friend of the great heiress Swetha ", the last line he said pointing at Swetha.

I just looked at him blankly due to his sudden introduction.

"er... Myself Priya Rajasekhar from Chennai " I said while giving my hands to him.

" Swetha told everything about you... You have an impressive profile dear," he said while shaking hands.

"thank you "

 " Oh and I didn't mean animal deer," he said while smirking at me.

"what? what do you mean? I don't understand" I said while genuinely confused by his weird statement.

"leave that. I almost forgot that you didn't  remember anything from last night "

"Oh ok," I said while leaving his statement in the back of my head.there is no point in trying to recall something that I didn't remember. its totally waste of time and my head is aching just thinking about yesterday.

"But sadly we don't have any vacancy in our company for your profile right now."
Hearing his words I lost my anticipation. seriously" idhu peru dhaan kuzhanthayum killittu thottil aatradha." I murmured to myself silently.

(idhu peru dhaan kuzhanthayum killittu thottil aatradha-this is one of the Tamil proverb which exactly means pinching the child and shaking the crib in order to compromise the crying baby.)

"what did you say?" he asked suspiciously looking at me.

"nothing nothing. proceed your honor "

"hmmm... don't be disappointed. The secretary of James Miller of Miller enterprises is gonna retire.they are looking for loyal and talented candidates secretly. I recommended  your name for them"

"thank you so means a lot to me."

"but there is one more problem dear"
"now what?"
"if you want to get the job you need to be there within 1 hour," he told with a smirk.
"You're telling this now!!" I said and tried to move in order to get ready faster. But then only  I realized that Adam is still holding my hand in an iron grip.
I cleared my throat and signaled him with my eyes while pointing at our joined hands.he lifted one of his thick blonde eyebrows questioningly. again I signaled to him at our hands.

The moment when he noticed our joined hands, he left mine immediately ."oops sorry", he said while scratching his neck sheepishly.

"it's ok" Before leaving I turned to Swetha and told
" please select my dress sweetie... I don't know much about office attires here." 
"don't worry pribaby I'll take care of it you go and freshen-up first. We don't have much time"
"ok," I said and took my bathing necessities from my bag and ran towards the washroom. I need to get ready within 10 minutes. Be quick Priya. I said to myself


"come let's wait outside .we should leave this room for Priya to get ready," Swetha said while looking at Adam who is still glancing at the door of the washroom .
Like waking from trance Adam quickly shook his head and exited the room followed by Swetha.
"why you didn't let me finish the remaining story about Damon? " she asked when they reached the living room.

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