chapter 20

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Behind us, I saw Mr.james sitting on the desk and looking at us amusingly, like watching some kind of play.

Shit.i forgot that another person is in this room that too my boss.
"Sir that...I..."I don't know how to explain this complicated situation to him.i peeked at Damon for asking help but he looked at me with a smirk .this jerk, I thought while glaring at him.
Mr.james cleared his throat to awake us from our glaring contest.
"Priya ", he said while looking at the completely ruined document that is lying in the floor.i forgot that document too. thank God I can easily make another copy of it.
Understanding his meaning I nodded, "I'll prepare it right away sir", I said while turning towards the door to get into my room, I walked fastly to get away from this awkward situation, more specifically to escape from that sexy demon. when I extended my hand to open the door,
"Priya wait", I abruptly stopped hearing Damon's voice. the way he called my name send goosebumps to my whole body .he called Priya like 'Riya' in his thick and sexy American accent.
'Whatever he did why am I describing it sexy?'

"we are not over ", he said and I heard footsteps coming towards me. I slightly turned back to see Damon walking towards me with the same intent gaze, I peeked over his shoulder and saw Mr.james looking at us with a bit of excitement. Seriously!

When I turned towards Damon, I noticed he's only a few steps away from me, I quickly opened the door and bolted outside like my butt is on fire.

When I turned towards Damon, I noticed he's only a few steps away from me, I quickly opened the door and bolted outside like my butt is on fire

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When I was using my athletic running skill, I heard him shouting 'Riya' with his fluent American accent.
First En pera olunga kupudu Da demon...I mocked him in my mind. 'but you like him calling you like that right? ', Again my mind voice mocked me. When did he lease my own mind voice? it even started to oppose its own owner ..hmmpp

(First call my name properly, demon )

The moment when I reached my room I calmly sat in my seat and took deep breath.breath in .breath out.all this pranayama which I used to do is helping me in this situation.
Priya everything will be cool. Don't forget,
Ithuvum kadandhu calm.
I motivated myself while tapping my cheeks with both hands.

(This situation will also pass in time)

Let's resume our work. oh yeah, I've to complete that spoiled document.
in order to complete this task,
1st step: I've to take the draft copy which is available in my PC,
2nd step: I've to pick the important details from the file present in the files rack,
3rd and final step: update those details in the corresponding draft.

Ok, let's start working.Priya fighting, I shouted and cheered myself. all because of my craze to Korean serials, I've started to use their pickup lines too. anyway, who cares. I love everything about Korean serials.

~~~~after few minutes~~~~~~

Step1: completed
Step2: on execution

Where did I keep that starlight project? oh yes, it must be in the top rack.
my file cupboard has totally five racks. mostly American people are tall so they can easily reach the fifth rack by just lifting their hands but that's not the case for the poor me who is just 5.6ft. in India, I used to feel proud of my height but after coming here I started to get a feeling that I'm not tall anymore. I sighed. for reaching the top floor, I need to stand in the small stool and get it, right now that's what I'm, where is it?

Since I am so focussed on searching the file, I failed to notice the opening of my door nor the person who came in.
Suddenly I felt a presence behind me, on reflex, I tried to move, but in the next moment I'm shaking along with the stool, shit I completely forgot that I'm standing in the small stool.
While I'm bracing myself for the falling impact, an arm surrounded my waist, a hard chest pressed itself tightly against my back, a rich manly scent covered my whole body, " need help my soon to be clumsy PA", the familiar voice whispered near my right ear while completely raising goosebumps to my skin.


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