chapter 23

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Damon's POV

"Why did you bite me? ", I said while pointing my assaulted finger at her. even though  Her bite was like a kitten's scratch to me, since it was completely unexpected, I shouted like a small kid .it's embarrassing.

" biting is not enough for you. I  should've done even more ", she said glaring at me, while keeping her left hand on her hips.

Thank god she didn't take my embarrassing moment seriously.

Feeling confident Immediately I took a step forward, and by reflex, she took a step backward,
" you _ ", she said while pointing her finger at me which I didn't let her complete, I took a step forward, and she took another step backward,
She was already trapped between me and the file rack, after realizing our position she looked at either side, and I knew she was planning to escape, quickly I placed both my hands near her head.

She's short compared to my 6ft frame, I bent myself a little lower to be at her eye level, I know she's completely nervous, but she is putting on a courageous facade.

I'm completely enjoying this.

" what are you doing?", she yelled at me.

"Revenge ", I said with a serious face but inside I was laughing.

" What?", she asked with a confused expression

"Revenge for biting me "

"I won't allow you to bite my finger?", she said hiding both her hands behind her back like a small kid hiding their favorite chocolate.

" No, I'm not that petty "  I just wanna bite your lip that's all, I thought while gazing intently at her rosy plump lips, while licking my lips.

~~ring ring~~

My phone ring tone made me awake from my trance. thank goodness my phone rang, if not I don't know whether I would have controlled myself around her.

I cleared my throat and casually moved back from her, now only I notice that Priya is lost in her world.
What she's thinking so intently?
Is it about me? just imagining her thinking about me makes me excited.
What if it is not about me? what if someone other than me is in her life?

No, I  won't let that happen. now I know who she is. I  need to get all the details about her.

I looked at my phone which had been ringing continuously for the past one minute.

It is my secretary. He's probably calling me to inform me about my next meeting. without hurry, I answered his call.

"Damon your next meeting is about to start. where are you now?", I heard my secretary aka my childhood friend William's anxious voice.

" wait a moment"

I looked at Priya who was still lost in thought, just thinking about the possibility of her having a man itself makes me filled with rage.

"Priya ", I shouted at her.

She blinked a few times and looked at me with a blank look.
Why she's behaving weirdly?
" Are you okay ", I asked her softly.
" Yeah yeah I'm okay ", she said while giving me a fake smile.

Something is there. just now I noticed that she looked at me with a faraway look. even if I ask her, my stubborn beauty would never open up, which I'm sure of. I'll eventually find everything about you my Priya.

"Today be here at 7.30 am", I said to her in my business tone.

" yes sir ", she nodded.

I'm reluctant to leave her Anyway meet you, tomorrow baby. I really wanna say this line directly facing your eyes, I sighed to myself, but it's not yet the right time.
I nodded to her and moved without looking back. after moving a few steps away from her room only I noticed that I hadn't off my phone and William was still in line.

" Will ", I called him on the phone Why he is not answering, I thought while walking towards the elevator, with my usual indifferent stoic face.

" oh my God "William suddenly shouted in the phone.
" what the hell man why are you shouting ", I said while rubbing my right ear and shifting my phone to my left ear.

"Just who did you speak with?, Damon I never heard you speak to someone so softly..come on man I'm waiting here ", William asked with excitement.

"It's no one "

"Damon you have to tell me man.I'm the financial head of your company .all because of you I'm working as your have to return my huge favor by telling me your personal gossips "

That's true previously I fired around 50  assistants to work for me, but all didn't fulfill my working ethics, some women were lazy, and most of them all flirting with me.  Working place is for work not for office romance.

But that's not the same in the future, I smirked while thinking about my future days with Priya
Anyway because of all these reasons only I used my company's financial head who is also one of my best friend William as my PA. since he had a financial team with him, his work is only assisting them as well as maintaining my schedules. I sighed.

If I didn't tell him this matter he would throw a tantrum like a child . I Have only two best friends (Jason and William) both of them are childish.

{If you guys are wondering about who is Jason, search in the first few chapters }

"Her name is Priya want you to get all the details about her within 24 hours ", I said sternly while walking towards my luxurious car.

" she the one who you have been searching for past two weeks "

"Yes find everything about her now ", I ordered him and hung up.

Priya now, at last, I found you. you can't escape from me ever again.

I promised to myself while getting inside my car.

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