chapter 75

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When priya heard laughter around her, she became conscious of her surroundings .now only she realized that she's still standing in the hallway. Since  Damon is standing tall in front of her she cannot able to see anything behind him. When she slightly slanted to see behind him, she noted that his other family members are standing behind Damon, a little distance away from them, with a knowing smile on their face.

Priya felt a Deja Vu.

James looked at them no Damon with a proud smile while Lisa and Madison looked at them with a fangirling and excited look while nick is the only one with a neutral face.

Wait. Where is swetha?

When Priya frantically turned around she saw swetha standing a few steps behind her with wide eyes.

Swetha looked at her with conflicted eyes. She's happy for her bestie's happiness but at the same time slightly worried whether to completely trust the person in which she had her relationship with. because the scene she saw just now shocked her to the core. Both of them looking at each other like they are the only ones in the world. Nope, they are living in their own world. the most shocking news to digest is  Priya who's always mature and conscious of her surrounding is easily dazed by this good thing or bad thing? Just now they started dating before knowing him completely, Swetha doesn't want her friend to lose her self in this so-called love.

When Swetha noted Priya's probing eyes she spontaneously hid her confliction and smiled mischievously at her friend.

When Swetha noted Priya's probing eyes she spontaneously hid her confliction and smiled mischievously at her friend

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"Bride I missed you", Luke lunged at Priya's leg.

Priya laughed and squatted down hugging the cute boy.

"Princess, I too missed you", Lucas said shyly tapping her shoulder.

"Aww my, Lucas", with one arm hugging around luke Priya hugged Lucas with another arm.

"Today my babies look so cute ", Priya kissed the twins' cheeks with a loud smacking sound. They are extremely adorable with this cute outfit.

'it's supposed to be my kiss', Damon glared at the twins.

"Princess, I'm a man so I'm hansome (handsome) no cute ", Lucas said proudly with hands on his hip.

Luke nodded repeatedly agreeing with Lucas' statement.

"Okie Dokie my babies are really handsome ", Priya said with a chuckle.

*Throat clearing *

Hearing the sound, Priya looked around and found swetha glaring at her with arms crossed around her chest.

Priya awkwardly laughed at her. Meeting with the cute twins she completely forgot her friend.

" kids this my best best friend and sister Swetha", Priya said still squatting in the ground, while beckoning Swetha towards her.

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