The Rematch: Part 2

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"Hgnn..." Jon groaned, as he slowly felt his esophagus closing. His movement started to slowly stop, as Darkseid continued to observe the life draining out of Jon.


"ARGH!" Darkseid groaned as he was send hurtling to the ground.

"Huh. Who knew Matter X based weapons could hurt the New God himself." Jack smirked as he looked at the weapon on his hand a cannon, which glowed white on the huge barrel. "Go." Jack looked to Cassie who was beside him, who nodded as she leapt into the air, sword and shield in hand. He looked around at all the carnage as he looked to Damian, who lied next to both Richard and Autumn. "Damn." Jack said as he threw the cannon to one side and ran to his big brother's aid. "Damian!" Jack yelled, as he quickly knelt down to him. Steven and Cissie both saw Autumn and Richard lying on the ground. Both Steven and Cissie knelt down to them both, as Steven held Richard in his arms. "Damian!" Jack pleaded as he knocked on his mask. "Dami, wake up!"

"J-Jack?" Damian groaned.

"I saw the solar flare, what happened?!" Jack asked.

"Check on Jon." Damian groaned as Jack helped him up. "I'm beating that bastard up." He growled as he flew away quickly to join Cassie in the fight.

"Richie!" Steven yelled as he shook Richard. "Richie... I'm here!"

"S-Stevie..." Richard said silently, before he eventually opened his eyes, looking upwards to see Steven. "Stevie..." He said softly.

"Hey, you." Steven smiled, as he cradled his cheek.

"Au-Aunt Cissie...?" Autumn groaned as she opened her eyes.

"Hey, honey." Cissie smiled, softly. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah..." Autumn groaned as she sat up. "Where's Ri-Richie..." She asked, before stopping each other as she saw Richard and Steven gazing into each other's eyes. "Hey, lovebirds!" She yelled.

"Huh?" Steven and Richard both looked at her.

"We're fighting." Autumn pointed out, as she pointed to the rubble being thrown, uncovering both Kalibak and Granny Goodness.

"Right... payback." Cissie also stood up with Steven and Richard as she cracked her knuckles, staring at Granny Goodness. Meanwhile, Jack ran over to Jon who lied still on the ground, immediately kneeling down to him.

"Bud?! Bud!" Jack yelled, as he became worried. "Jonathan wake up!" He pleaded as he held Jon and cradled his cheek. "Now don't do this me... don't do this me, Damn it!" he yelled. "JON!" Jack yelled out of desperation.

"J-Jack..." Jon breathed out.

"Yes! I'm here..." Jack said softly.

"Jack..." Jon whimpered as he opened his eyes.

"You okay?" Jack asked, worried.

"Jack..." Jon began to sob softly as he buried his face on Jack's shoulder.

"What did he do?" Jack asked, serious as he glared at Darkseid, who was fighting both Damian and Cassie.

"H-He showed me..." Jon whimpered. "H-How he hurt you..."

"That bastard." Jack growled.

"I'm sorry, Jack..." Jon said softly as he gripped Jack's coat.

"Wasn't your fault." Jack rubbed his back. "If it makes you feel better... I don't even remember the stuff he did." He reassured him... with a lie. "You can rest, you did good, bud." He said softly as he started to carry Jon.

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