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After everyone had their 'burger feast', Damian and Jon made their way home, as Jack went back to sleep, with both Steven and Cissie, having taken discretely nightmare pills to deal with any nightmares that came his way. Damian and Jon made their way upstairs as they went into their room. They both changed into pajamas, as Damian emerged without wearing a shirt.

"Now, that's what I like." Jon smiled.

"That's why I did it, beloved." Damian chuckled as he lied on the bed next to his husband. As he placed himself in a comfortable position, Jon snuggled his face on Damian's abs as he started to caress his torso. 

"Baby..." Jon cooed. "You're so hot..."

"Thank you, beloved." Damian chuckled, as he felt Jon's lips on his abs. He then released a cute yawn as Jon traveled back up.

"You're so cute, Dami..." Jon hummed, as he caressed Damian's cheek. "I love you so much..."

"I love you so much, too, beloved." Damian cooed, as when Jon snuggled beside him, Damian shifted closer to his husband's body. "I'm sleepy, Jon."

"Aww... my Dami wami..." Jon hummed, finding his husband adorable. "Alright, let's sleep... We've got to get to Jack's tomorrow, anyway."

"Quite right..." Damian said silently as the couple closed his eyes, to go to sleep. 

6:15 am. Tomorrow, Smith Residence...

Jack opened his eyes to find Steven cooing as he was sleeping next to him. My baby boy... Jack thought to himself as he laid a soft kiss to his son's forehead. 

"Daddee..." Steven cooed. Jack smiled as he looked over to see his wife sleeping, with her arm resting on Steven. Jack started to run his hand along her arm, feeling the warmness and softness of her skin. Jack sat up as he leaned over to lay a soft kiss on Cissie's arm, before getting up, wearing a robe and making his way downstairs into the kitchen to start cooking. Jack took a moment to sit on the dining table to wake up fully for a few moments, before Cissie also walked in.

"Morning, honey." Cissie approached her husband, as she caressed his cheek.

"Hiya, sweetie." Jack said softly.

"Still sleepy?" Cissie sat on Jack's lap as she laid a soft kiss on his cheek.

"A bit." Jack yawned. "I'm fine."

"Let's start cookin." Cissie suggested. "I'll go to the bathroom first."

"Sure." Jack smiled, as both got up. Cissie went to go to the bathroom, while Jack got the ingredients ready for cooking, as he went into the pantry. Still remember where everything is... jackpot. He thought to himself. 

"Recognized, Superman. Z-1-0. Batman. Z-0-9. Supergirl.B-4-0. Robin. B-4-1." The Zeta tube announced, as the family appeared in the reading area of the house, next to the kitchen. Both Damian and Jon went into the kitchen with their kids following, to find a still half-asleep Jack moving through, getting mixing bowls and flours.

"Morning." Jon greeted silently.

"Hey, bud." Jack approached both of them as he gently hugged Damian and Jon. "Oh, hey kids!" He exclaimed as he hugged Autumn. "Autumn..." He said softly.

"Uncle Jack..." Autumn hummed, loving the hug.

"Richard... you cute boy, come here..." Jack picked up Richard as he hugged him. "You're just like Dad..."

"Uncle Jak Jak." Richard hummed. "Where's Stevie?" 

"He's up in our room... tell you what? Why don't you join him upstairs so that he's not lonely, then I'll wake all of you up when breakfast's ready?" He raised a brow. Both kids nodded in agreement, as he laid kisses on their forehead, as they walked past him to go to Steven. As Jack stood back up, he let out a yawn. "*Yawn*- Wah!" Jack yelled as Jon abruptly picked him up, cradling him like a baby. 

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