The Mantle

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A few Days later. August 8th

Jon and Damian were in the cave, preparing for their patrol of the city. Just this morning, they were helping Alfred and the others to set up for their engagement party. Damian was helping with the cooking, Dick, Tim and Kon were setting up the decorations and Jon was in charge of inviting their guests. Now, it was time for them to patrol the city.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Jon jumped in joy as Damian was preparing his belt.

"I am aware, beloved." Damian just smiled to himself as he continued gathering his equipment.

"Recognized. Batman, 0-2. Superman. 0-1." The zeta tube announced as Bruce and Clark emerged, with suitcases in hand.

"Boys." Bruce called as they both approached them. 

"Yes, Father?" Damian stood up, pausing his current task. 

"We have something for the both of you." Clark explained. "We would've called it our engagement gift... but, it's really not appropriate for it." He chuckled. "But, it's time..."

"Time for what?" Jon asked, raising a brow. Clark gave Bruce a look, smiling. Bruce nodded as he held the case, opening it. He took out what looked like a cowl.

"What. is this?" Damian asked as he eyed the cowl. "Your cowl?"

"No, son." Bruce extended his arm towards Damian, cowl in hand. "It's yours." Clark took out a shirt with his Superman shield in the middle.

"Wha-what?" Damian was flustered. "Why?"

"You're worthy of the cowl." Bruce nodded. "My only question is. Are you ready?"

"Yes." Damian nodded as he took the cowl. "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't." Bruce replied, proud of his son. "You're my son." Damian held the cowl on his hands, as Bruce placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Da-dad..." Jon took the shirt. "Thank you... it's an honor... but why?"

"It was time..." Clark nodded. "I mean... Bruce and I aren't getting younger.... especially Bruce." 

"I hate you..." Bruce glared at Clark, who just chuckled. 

"I want to spend more time with your mom..." Clark smiled. "Without having to fly off every night."

"I also want to spend more time with Selina." Bruce admitted. "Where is she by the way?"

"Upstairs, helping Alfred, Mr. Wayne." Jon answered.

"Don't be so formal Jon." Bruce smiled, as he ruffled his hair. "I've always told you to call me Bruce."

"Heh." Jon chuckled.

"Alright. We'll leave you to it then." Clark clapped his hands together. "We'll go help upstairs."

"Thanks dad." Jon smiled.

"You're welcome..." Clark placed a hand on Jon's shoulder. "Superman." Jon smiled as they both placed the suitcases down. Jon watched the world's finest walk away upstairs.

"Dami..." Jon eyed the suit. "We-we're..."

"I know..." Damian kept looking at the cowl. "We're Batman and Superman now..."

"Didn't see it coming..." Jon admitted, raising his brow.

"All my life... I thought..." Damian gripped the cowl. "I thought I was never worthy of it..." Jon looked at Damian as he approached him. "I thought I could never carry my father's legacy... That... he won't let me..."

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