Wayne Expo

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A week later, the day of Wayne Expo.

It was 7:30 in the morning and Damian has the Wayne Expo to go to in the Afternoon with his family. 

"Autumn, Jellybean. Are you ready?" Damian called out. "Time for school!"

"Yes Papa." Autumn quickly ran down the flight of stairs. She tripped on a step but quickly recovered, flipping and landing smoothly on the ground. Damian quickly approached her and started to rub her knees and other areas that might've affected from tripping.

"Beloved, be careful." Damian chided. "I told you to not run down the stairs..."

"Sorry, papa." Autumn frowned.

"Come here." Damian held his daughter's cheeks and laid a soft, comforting kiss on her forehead before hugging her. "I love you."

"Love you too, papa." Autumn hummed. Richard immediately followed, carefully traveling down the flight of stairs.

"Auty!" Richard called out to her sister, as he ran to her.

"What's up, baby cub?" She smiled as she extended her arms. Richard quickly leapt, hugging his sister. "I have to go to school..."

"Aww..." Richard pouted.

"Can he come with us, papa?" Autumn asked her papa, her beautiful, cute emerald eyes looking at Damian's.

"Sure." Damian smiled. Richard immediately ran to Damian.

"Papa!" He immediately hugged him. "Yuv you, papa..." He hummed.

"Love you too, pumpkin." Damian chuckled as he picked his son up. Damian proceeded to pack his daughter's lunch as he put a happy Richard on his arms, happily watching from above. Damian took Autumn's bag as all three of them started to walk outside.

"Richard coming with yah?" Jon asked as he emerged from the kitchen. Richard chuckled, while on his papa's shoulders as Damian happily nodded. Jon kissed Damian, Autumn and Richard goodbye. Damian took his children as he went to sat both Autumn and Richard on their specific car seats. 

"Mmmnn... Papaaaa..." Richard complained as he tried to reach out to Damian as his seat belt was being put on him. 

"Do you want to come?" Damian asked him. Richard nodded. "Then you sit here... Papa's driving." Richard immediately bit his bottom lip, light sniffles escaping him as he kept trying to reach out. Damian placed Richard's adorably baby hands and placed it on his cheeks then leaned to give his son comforting kisses. "Love you..."

"Love you too papa..." Richard sniffled. Damian gave one last comforting kiss to the forehead as he pulled away. He went to the driver's seat and headed off to Autumn's school. Damian drove for about 10 minutes, and finally arrived at the school. Once the car was parked, he took Autumn, and Richard. Richard rode on his papa's shoulders, while Autumn held Damian's hand, while wearing her bag. "Papa..." Richard said cutely, patting his papa's head. Damian chuckled, finding him adorable as they walked to Autumn's classroom.

"Have a good day, beloved." Damian said softly as they arrived in Autumn's classroom. He picked his daughter up and gave her a kiss to the forehead.

"Love you, papa." Autumn said, softly. 

"Love you too." Damian smiled as he placed Autumn back on the ground.

"Bye bye Auty!" Richard waved his older sister goodbye, as Autumn waved at him as she joined her classmates in the Classroom. Damian walked back to the car, when he noticed someone across the street, that seemed to be looking at them. The hooded figure's attention was seemed to be taken by what looked like his friend. Hmm... Damian thought to himself, as he sat Richard on his car seat. Damian laid a quick kiss to Richard as he entered the driver's seat and drove away. Damian arrived back at their house, he went to Richard's side of the car and opened it to discover his son reaching up to him. "Papa..." Richard said softly. Damian quickly unbuckled his seat belt and picked him up.

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