New Flares

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So I've finally made time to remake this book. I'm going to try to update two chapters a week at max but no promises. I've decided to change a couple of things and add some from this book. I haven't decided if I want to take this book down and just keep the remake but I don't know yet I might just keep up both. The first two chapters are up about to be three. Thank you again to everyone who read this book to the end, I really appreciate all of the love and support. 11k reads is more then I thought this book would get, thank you all for helping me continue and finish this book. I wouldn't have done it without any of you, you all helped me want to rewrite it and make it better. I'm still deciding if I should continue with the Marvel twist or not we'll see. I really hope you all enjoyed this "disaster" of a book and hope to see you on another one.

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