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This chapter is going to fly off of the seasons and episodes of The Gifted because of the way Pietro and Wanda's life went. Y'all will see in this chapter, I think.

Lorna was first, I was behind her, Andy was beside me and everyone followed us. Lorna used her powers to open the door, Purifiers were waiting they used their guns, shooting the shield I made when I saw them, good thing I was faster than them.

I used my powers to push them back with Lorna. We all split up to find John, I went with Andy and his family, I was shielding all of us from the purifiers.

John was found by Lorna and Marcos, John looked like he was out of shape.

"Hey Scar, get John out of here with Clarice." I nodded my head. Clarice made a portal and all of us jumped through it. We started to run away from the purifiers while I was shielding all of us. My shield didn't hold for some reason and I and Lauren got shot at. Lauren got grazed by a bullet but it was deep I, on the other hand, got shot in my leg and it was still inside.

Andy turned around to see us hurt and the man with the gun.

"Andy I'm okay," Lauren said but she didn't see that I was hurt behind her. Andy kept walking up to the man. And Lauren turned around to see me hurt.

"Oh my God, Scarlet." She said going to me.

"I can't walk," I said to her she tried to get me up but the bullet was making me weak and weak.

"No, stop, I can feel my powers draining and I'm getting weak, just leave me," I said to her. Andy was hurting the man and he snapped his arm and leg. Everyone was shouting at Andy to stop but he didn't listen.

I put up a shield to the man to protect him.

"This isn't you Andy, you don't kill people that hurt you or anybody else even if they hurt your family or destroyed you, you don't kill anybody that hurt you because you're not going to be better than them, just walk away for me, please," I said to him.

"You have to leave me, I'm getting weak and I can't walk," I said to him, he started to get mad, Lorna got to him and tried to get him to come on but he moved away, I used my shield to push him back to his family so they could get out.

Purifiers were shooting and I knew they wouldn't get out without bullets in them.

I picked my self up off the ground and walked in the middle of the shoots, it was like they were going through me, the bullets.

I flew up in the middle and it looked like I was falling but I wasn't I made the biggest shield to protect them which gave a lot of power and my powers were fading fast.

I screamed so loud.

Andy Pov

Scarlet flew up and started to scream, she was shining a bright red flare her whole body was a red flare and the shield got stronger and stronger.

"Go, leave!!" She screamed.

And the flares went out of her body turning into flames

And the flares went out of her body turning into flames

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She started to fall after the flames, her skin was red. She hit the ground so hard.

Pietro Pov

The pain started in my body and I ran around the whole penthouse to find Wanda but I couldn't, and neither was Andy and Lorna. I went reaching for my sister when i saw a big red flame in the air and someone falling back down.

"Wanda." I said and ran all the way to the place I saw the flame.

Nobody was there, I went to the body and seen my sister. She looked drained.

"Why would Andy and Lorna leave her here."

I screamed.

"I CAN'T lose you."

"Maybe I can help, the name is Ultron." I looked behind my self and seen a robot of some kind.

"In return, you help me, what do you say, save-."

"I want to save my sister," I said faster than he could get all the words off.

"Great come on."

This is shorter then I expected.

Please help me out here comment down if y'all like how I switched the story up or if it should stay on track, please comment down if I should keep this chapter or take it out and put it for a deleted chapter, comment down, please. And like this chapter and the others if you haven't would really appreciate it, see you all next time.

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