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I had to be alone, my brother died and I wasn't there to confront him or protect him when he did.

He saved a kid and Hawkeye, that's what he always wanted to do, he wanted to die a hero a savior someone that would help someone no matter the situation, no matter the worry. He sacrificed himself so others could live and he died doing it.

I still had Ultron heart, I don't know why but when Vision came to me I hid it in my jacket.

Sitting here looking at it, watching it, why was Ultron so bent into destroying the Avengers, why was he doing so much to kill them all to want to watch them suffer.

In my hand the heart started to glow, and started to become unstable.

"What is going on!" I shouted out loud.

20 years ago

"Alright everyone let's get this started." Tony said out loud. Pressing a button and the machine starting up.

"Hello, I am Ultron, what can I do for you." The machine said.

Tony built Ultron! Why didn't he tell us, or maybe he did and I wasn't paying attention but Pietro would have told me. Tony knee Ultron, he built him! I wanted to scream and shout, because Tony Stark built the machine that killed my brother and didn't even tell us.

A couple minutes later

"Ultron you will be a helping machine, that helps human kind." Tony said to Ultron. All he did was look at Tony saying nothing. Tony left the room and there stood Ultron alone.

"Help, anyone help me!" A woman spoke loudly, me and Ultron both heard her shouts and screams. Ultron walked to the window and jumped out of the 21 foot story building, I guess he wasn't a bad person at all. I jumped as well seeing what he would do, I used my powers to catch me so I didn't fall to my death.

"Hello I am Ultron, I am here to help." He said calmly to the woman.

"No, stay back you monster, I don't want help from you, I would like to die then that." She said rudely to him.

"As you wish ma'am." He said and stood back waiting for her to die, she was in a car accident her leg was stuck and her arm had been cut off she has already lost so much blood.

Ultron tried to help her but she said she would rather die then get help from him. He misunderstood her, Ultron didn't mean to be cruel or rude to her he just did as he was told to let her die, that was her wish and he obeyed it.

She died and Ultron flew back up to the 21st floor of the building, I followed him.

He went to a computer and typed "Human kind tragedies" he seen everything that human kind have been through, the war, the depression, bombings and other terrible things that has happened.

"Humanity causes a lot of problems, the world should be rebuilt, a better world where machines can do the fixing." Ultron said to himself.

"The world will be a better place without humanity, but the first thing is that humanity needs to be gone for that to happen." Ultron got out of his seat and flew away to who knows where, making his plan to destroy human kind.

The present time

So Ultron was just misunderstood, it doesn't mean that he was right to kill my brother but if it wasn't for Tony in building him my brother would still be alive now. I was angry, I went back to where we fought Ultron and found his head and parts of his body scattered around the area.

"I know you can hear me." I spoke up. He opened his eyes.

"Wanda you made it out alive." He said sounding concerned.

"I did but my brother didn't, all because Tony wanted to build you to protect human kind, this is all Tony Stark's fault." I said to him mad, angry and sad.

"How did you find out."

"Your heart told me." I said to him.

"You, kept, it." He said surprised with relief.

"Yes, I did, I'm not sure why but I'm glad I did, Tony Stark killed my brother through you and now I'll kill him with some help, of course." I said to Ultron.

"I'll be glad to help Wanda." Ultron said to her she looked at him.

"No, I need someone different, you have seen your fair of share in this world it's my turn now, I won't kill you though, but you'll have to promise to help and protect me and the ones I'm bringing to take down Tony Stark and the Avengers."

"I promise, but how do you know that they will help you." He asked.

"I just know." I said to him using my powers to pick up the parts of his body.

Hours later when Scarlet gets the people to help her

"They killed my brother, and now it's our time to kill them, we all are powerful so let's put our power to the test." I said to them.

"It's time we finish the Avengers once, and for all." I said to them.

Thanks for the support and staying here to read it from the beginning.

Thanks to everyone, you all contributed to this book, as much as I wish to say I enjoyed writing it I sadly did not, hence why I'm going to be remaking it so it can be better, but thanks anyway.

This is the last chapter of this book, who knows I may write a second part to it ( I probably won't lol.)


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