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I took a deep breath before realizing where I was, I was at Lauren's family apartment in the living room with them, I looked around and they were staring at me.

"Um, I have to go."

"What, why."

"I'm really not supposed to be here, I'll see y'all later." I turned around to the door but someone grabbed onto my arm I turned around to see that it was Lorna.

"What did you see?"

"I didn't see anything." I said lying and she knew it, I was lying through my teeth.

"Scar!" She said loud with authority.

"It's nothing for y'all to be concerned about, it's about me and my brother, and the avengers." I said hoping that Lorna didn't sense that I was lying.

"Your with the avengers now?" She asked, I wasn't going to respond because I wasn't with the avengers at least not yet.

"I got to go, I'll see you all later I hope." I said looking at Andy and the girl that was beside him, I opened the front door and walked out.

I walked the streets thinking, I left him so he should get a new girlfriend, right? There's no point in keeping him on a leash but we didn't break up officially though, Andy is his o n person let him decide what hat he wants.

I went back to the avengers HQ and I seen my brother and everyone else.

"Ultron is trying to make the whole city float." I heard Tony say. I started to zone out, I didn't really need the plan that the avengers made I needed my plan, and that is saving people lives and killing Ultron and his army.

"Alright everyone, start preparing for a battle." Tony said and everyone left the main center of HQ, except the THING that was built.

"I don't trust you." I said it IT.

"That is understandable, you think that I will change bad." IT said.

"Yes, exactly, we're telling you everything and you could be Ultron's little spy." I said loudly.

I used my powers to get him to the floor and pushed him into it.

"What are you doing here, what do you want?" I asked IT. It was hurt and I liked that I didn't realize that my brother came into the room to check on me.

"Hey, Scarlett What are you doing?!" He said concerned, worried, and loud, loud enough for the avengers to hear.

"It could be the enemy I don't care if it has Jarvis or Javas or whoever, in its brain, Ultron built this thing to destroy people and you all, so what if he is spying for Ultron." I said making a good point.

"Or what if your the spy?" The it said and I looked at it.

"Why would I need to spy for Ultron if I want to kill him." I said to it.

"Exactly, I want to kill him too so why would I spy." It said and I looked away and walked anywhere else but there.

I'm sorry guys for the update being late, and for this short chapter but unfortunately the book is almost over, just like 2 or 3 more chapters left. I really hope you all enjoyed this book I know I enjoyed writing. Thank you again for actually reading it, see you all next week.

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