WARNING!!! Cautious! Plz Read

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A tragedy has struck, my story has been stolen by teenfic.net, something I have dreaded the most. If your a writer beware! And please help us wattpaders take this site down!!

 If your a writer beware! And please help us wattpaders take this site down!!

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They stole everything I've just finished looking at it. This website steals your account name and all of your books, go look it up for yourself search your wattpad account or your story and you'll see they stole everything. I haven't even updated this "horrible" book in July. They steal the cover everything about it, so if your a writer that experienced strange things on wattpad with your story like copying and pasting things or deleting and then pasting type of thing and it showed up black that was Wattpad helping us.

In this website you or anyone else, unfortunately, can copy and paste your 2-3 years of work. Even though I'm not very fond of this book I still would like it to get the respect it deserves this book took a very long time to complete I'm glad it was completed just not how the story actually went down. If you made your book an all rights reserve just because of the recognition and the reads and likes they still didn't and don't have permission to steal your hard work.

You didn't receive a message, call or anything asking for your book to be put on a website this is illegal and is not right. The two links below is the petition link and the actual website that stole our books. I'm pretty late in this since it's been happening for a while but this still deserves attention because this website is still up it was shut down for a good minute but is still up right now, so check that out.

Petition Link:

Website to TeenFic Link:

Let's make this change!!!

Everyone please be careful, with your books please! Because if this website can do it so can others, they don't care about copy rights, so let us Wattpaders do something about it together and join forces to eliminate them all!

Every time you refresh the screen, everything starts to change, the read, likes and time edited or completed never trust apps like this ever, especially when it takes you to different websites while in the website it's illegal when it does that, trust me. This is an illegal app and it probably hacks too so turn on a vpn when on sites like this, be safe everyone, please.

      It's like connected to our accounts or something because as soon as I published this it was automatically on there, I'll forever be a ghost reader and writer. Speaking of writing I've started writing a new original book that I've come to enjoy, but that's not the point.

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