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I had enough time to go back to the Avengers HQ, there I seen my brother in everyone else in the main room.

Third person POV

"So, there may be no way to make you trust me." Vision say and he wasn't kidding none of them really trusted him.

"But we need to go." He said and gave Thor his hammer. All of us watched shock at how he could pick it up, not even Hulk/ Bruce Banner could pick it up.

Everyone watched in amazed, Thor grabbed his hammer. Vision walked away and all of us watched him walk away shocked. Thor hit the side of his hammer.

"Alright." He said. Then walked to Tony.

"Well done." He spoke, pat Tony on the shoulder and walked out of the room.

"3 minutes, get what you need." Captain America said.

"No way we all get through this." Tony said.

"If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost, there's gonna be blood on the floor." Tony spoke.

"I got no plans tomorrow night." Captain America spoke up.

"I got first crack at the big guy, Iron Man's the one he's waiting for." Tony said.

"That's true, he hates you the most." Vision said while walking back into the room.

"So our priority is getting them out." Tony started to tell the team.

"We're under attack!" Pietro said out loud to the FBI.

"Clear the city, NOW!" He shouted and ran out the building. All the people did were go back to their work and shrugged their shoulders.

Pietro came back with a gun that wasn't loaded and pulled the trigger.

"Get off your asses." He said and left again.

"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not gonna happen today." Captain America said. Scarlett started to use her powers to manipulate the people to get of the town.

"But we can do our best to protect them, and we can get the job done, keep the fight between us." Captain America spoke.

"Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world, this isn't just about beating him, it's about whether he's right." Captain America said ending his speech.

Scarlett POV

Me, my brother and most of the rest of the crew helped the people out of the city, making sure that all of them are safe.

Ultron army was in the air already, so we all had to destroy them so they wouldn't hurt any one. Captain America and Hawkeye were destroying the robots.

"Get off the bridge!" I shouted for the people to hear. A robot was coming so I used my powers to destroy it. I put up a shield so they could go.

"Run." I said while the shield was getting shot at, I turned around to make sure that they were leaving but got knocked down when the shield was gone.

I got up and started helping more people, the ground was starting to fly but more people were in danger.

A robot was coming from above me and a person I was helping. So I used my powers to throw him another way, more were coming.

"Come on." Hawkeye said to me and started to pull me into a building. Hawkeye went out of the building to kill the robots.

He was trapped so I went out the building to help I used my powers to kill the robots that were surrounding him.

I hit one and then pulled it's body apart and used a bigger flare ball and shot all three robots that were in the air.

While me and Pietro were fighting alongside of each other he slowed down, he got skimmed by a bullet.

A big spaceship flew next to us, and me and Hawkeye started to help people on the small spaceships.

Me and Hawkeye came back and met up with my brother, Vision and Thor.

"Are you good?" My brother asked me.

"Yeah." I replied back.

"Is that the best you can do." Thor said making the matters worse. Ultron has a lot of his army behind him.

"You had to ask." Captain America said.

"This is the best that I can do, this is exactly what I wanted, all of you against all of me, how can you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron said. All of his robots started to crawl into the dome we were in.

We all started to fight the robots off, destroying them all,

"We gotta move out, even I can tell the air is getting thin, you guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers." Captain America said.

"Be right behind you." Thor said to Captain America.

"What about the core?" Hawkeye asked.

"I'll protect it, it's my job." I said to Hawkeye.

Later on

I could feel the pain of bullets in my back. Something was wrong with Pietro.

"Noooooooooo!!!!" I screamed out falling to the ground with my powers igniting and all of the robots dying around me.

I went to where Ultron had fell, in a train car.

"Wanda, if you stay here, you'll die." Ultron told me sounding worried about me.

"I just did." I told him.

"Do you know how it felt?" I asked him.

I used my powers to take out his un-beating heart, and held it in my hand, one of his robots touched the core and we started to fall.

I couldn't breathe from the falling, but then I seen Vision, I was about to faint.

Vision picked me up bridal style and flew me out of the train car. We went to the boats, and he sat me down next to my brother.

"Pietro." I said crying from seeing his body and the bullets in his back.

"He saved us, from the bullets." I little boy said and Hawkeye was by him. I started to cry but then smiled.

"He always wanted to do that." I said to them both.

"He wanted us to stay here, and save people lives without being asked too." I said to them. And got up to find Tony.

"Tony, my brother wanted us both to stay here with the Avengers and help people that needs it, he isn't here so I'll stay just for him." I told him.

"Okay kid, it's fine if you stay, but you should live your life too while helping I won't take all of your time with missions, just stay in touch kid." He said.

"I will thank you." I said and went to Vision.

"Thank you for saving me." I said to him.

"No problem, I'm sorry about your brother." He said to me.

"Thank you." I said and left.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter one more update left and then the book is over I hope you all enjoyed this.

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