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Rebecca ran away from the Inner Circle, I heard that Fade caught her and that she is in this box thing in the training room. Her powers were suppressed, she started to scream and I didn't like it.

I went into the elevator and went to the penthouse to talk to Reeva, she was in a meeting with the Frost Sisters, Sage, and Lorna.

"Why is she being held in that box, Reeva, she didn't do anything." I interrupted Reeva.

"Yes, she didn't do anything but kill one innocent life."

"Yeah but I and Peter saved the rest of them, she shouldn't be in there, this is torture."

"Well, she was going to torture all of those people if you and Pietro hadn't of come there." Reeva was right if I and Pietro hadn't come there all of those people would be dead.

"Yeah, I know but she shouldn't be tortured like that," I said and heard a ding coming from the elevator saying that someone was coming up to the penthouse.

I saw Andy and Rebecca in the elevator and Rebecca got out using her powers Andy was telling her to stop.

"Rebecca, what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Have to finish what I started."

"Yeah and is that killing me," I asked her while she just shrugged her shoulders. I can feel her powers becoming stronger on top of us. I couldn't hold a big shield over me and the girls so I only did it over them.

"Scarlet stop, you will die," Lorna said banging on the shield. I saw Andy, he accidentally used his powers and Rebecca got pushed.

"No!" I screamed and tried using one of my shields to stop her from busting her head, I heard a snap and knew that there was nothing left of her.

I rushed over to my sister and Andy first.

"What was she doing?" I asked.

"She tried to kill us and you and Andy saved our lives by risking your own." I looked at Reeva.

"It spent matter, Scarlet would risk her life for anyone, so it's not an accomplishment," Andy said to Reeva I felt hurt until my brother walked in.

"You don't get how much this hurts, it's like a part of us is missing," Peter said to Reeva, while she looked at him.

"It's a bond that we got from our mother, she was human, yeah, but she was experimented on when she was pregnant with us, she had this very very strong bond with her sisters and brothers and we got that from her, so we can feel each other die, or being hurt," Peter said and looked at me and picked me up.

We rushed out of the room, going down the stairs to get to Rebecca room.

"Hey, I know you didn't really trust her but she was family, maybe not all the way family but she was still family," I said to Pietro.

"Yeah, I know it's just, she did seem kinda crazy, crazier than me and I was really crazy I would run to a wall each day, while you play with your blocks."

"That's why I always heard those bumps and thumps in your room, you were running into a wall."

"You idiot," I said hitting my taller brother in the head.

"You could have gotten hurt."

"I did, but I heal fast.

I nodded my head.

"But your still an idiot for doing that, who just runs into a wall."

"Hey, I was trying to get out."

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