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When I and Peter got back from running around the world we met 3 new mutants.

"Oh Wanda and Pietro great to see you both here, early, these are the new recruits, Max, Tico, and Heather."

"Told you it would be a girl."

"Ha, but its two boys I won."

"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes

"Hi, I'm Scarlet Witch but Reeva likes calling me by my actual name Wanda, and this boy right here is Peter but Reeva also likes calling him by his real name Pietro."

"So what do y'all do?" Peter asked them.

"We'll show you," Heather said.

Max picked up a chair, Heather teleported it and Tico smashed it.

"Wow.That.Was.Awesome!!" I said amazed.

"Thanks." They said. I walked up to Heather and started to talk to her.

"You were awesome I like how you teleport things can you do that to people?" I asked her.

"Um, I don't know I've never attempted it."

"Alright, now that everyone has introduced each other we should show you the other half of the group that you will be working with," Reeva said to all of us.

"Lorna first then Andrew, after is Wanda and last, is Pietro," Reeva said to us.

Lorna used her powers to take out the knife that was in her boot.

"I can control metal," Lorna said with a smirk on her face.

Andy split one of the chairs in half.

"I can break things, and destroy them, I guess." He said, I walked up.

I made a shield with my hands.

"I can use magic like hexing and other things to make shields and everything else that screams, I don't know, magic," I said to them.

Peter walked up.

And ran around all of them.

"And I can run really fast." He said and stopped running and came by me.

I walked out of the room with my brother and Andy walked up to me.

"Hey, can we talk."

"Um, yeah Peter I'll talk to you later, I'll come by as soon as we're done talking."

"Yeah okay." My brother said and ran away from us.

"So what's up?" I asked Andy.

"Um, can we talk in my or your room, please."

"Uh, sure." We walked to his room since it was the closest to where we both were.

"So what?"

"I really like you, and I've liked you since I saw you that night when you were trying to protect me and my family."

"Andy, it's just-." I cut me off.

"No, it's not okay I should have done more to get your heart but now Peter has it-." It was my turn to cut him off.

"First off, Peter is my brother I've told you this already and second off you had my sister, she was pretty cool, but she died and now you want me," I said annoyed.

"No I didn't want your sister I wanted you, I thought about you every day since that day we parted, I didn't know your real first name was Wanda and your sister came on to me, she was like you but more of a psycho you." I didn't know what to say.

"So I'm a psycho now-." He cut me off again I was pissed but he cut me off to kiss me.

I didn't do anything I stood there and then started to kiss him back, it was a passionate kiss, not a forced kissed and definitely not a hunger kiss. He pulled back.

"I wanted you, Scarlet." He said to me, I looked at him and started to nod my head.

"Yes!" He said, and I nod my head again, he smiled and picked me up.

"Thank you." He said to me.

"For everything." He added, I just started to smile.

"Your welcome," I said and Lorna came in the room seeing us both.

"I see you two made up." I started to smile.

"Yeah, we did, so what's up?" I said to my big sister.

"Uh, John is in the custody of the Purifiers and Marcos and them want us to help, I said we would because John all helped us and he was a friend to all of us." She said nervously about what we would say.

"Oh, okay, I'm in," I said cheerfully.

"So am I," Andy said looking down at me and smiling.

"Alright, I'll tell Marcos that we're in," Lorna said walking out of Andy's room, I looked back up to him.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked Andy.

"I don't know, let's watch a movie."

"Okay, I'm down for it," I said shrugging my shoulders and sitting on the bed while Andy was strolling through the choices on Netflix.

"So I was thinking we could watch Supernatural, The Umbrella Academy or The Originals," Andy said to me.

"I thought you said movie," I said lifting one of my eyebrows up, while he laughed.

"But we can watch Supernatural, can I tell you a secret?" I said


"Okay, I have had this crush on this boy but I couldn't talk to him, he is really sweet but is very curious, but he is also fearless and brave, I wish I could tell him I like him."

Edit: February 8, 2020

Alright, I know its shorter than my other chapters, but hey, I'm sorry if y'all wanted it long, sorry for not updating in like 2 weeks but I've been sick so I couldn't post as much. I still hope you all like this book and chapter.

In the comments tell me who you think Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch crush is. She talked very fondly of him he must be really important.

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