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Building a machine is really hard, Ultron told us that we had to help build this really powerful being. We had to do something for our plan to start and Ultron is telling us the plan to night.

"You two will lure the Avengers here and fight them, you can do whatever you please, kill them, torture them do whatever needs to be done."

"You two we're starting to get off track but you'll need to remember I saved you both and you are in my debt." Ultron told me and Peter.

We both nodded our heads and watched Ultron leave the room.

"Do whatever you need to do." Peter told me.


"Let's go then, the faster we fight and kill them the faster we could be free and not own a debt."

"Hey, I actually like it here." I looked at my brother like he was the most stupid person on the planet which he was.

"Don't be stupid." I said and walked to my room and got dressed in my usual clothes.

Andy Pov

"I love you too." I said but the line got disabled.

"Did you track it to the place she was?"

"Yes, we did." The Frost sisters said together.

"Well then let's go!" I said eager to get Scarlet back.

"We can't, her destination is where a robot man lives and he doesn't just get stopped by mind control, screaming, by smashed or pulled apart, he may be made of metal but he has a whole team including Scarlet and Peter, which makes them invincible with those types of power." One of the Frost sisters said.

"She isn't coming back is she?" I asked sad.

"No, so I tell you this now, find someone else because she isn't worried about you at this moment." The other Frost sister said.

Scarlet Pov

Terrorizing the people where we were to lure the Avengers out of hiding to come and find us.

"You two need to stop attacking these people."

"Yeah, what are you going to do?" I asked looking at all of them and Peter came, picked me up and then ran, he ran in circles so they could find us and ran into a building.

They seen the bait and came, me and Peter started to hide, I seen this women where I was and started to fight her.

I used my powers and hit her with them, she got pushed back. She tired punching me but I blocked them she knee kicked me in the stomach so I used my powers again and pushed her back I knocked her out in the process. I seen another person that was in a suit, Ironman.

I went behind him and showed him an illusion that I wanted him to see, I also gave Black Widow a illusion as well. They both were under a spell that will soon be over.

The spell soon vanished from Black Widow and Ironman' minds and they met back up with their group.

Me and Peter walked into the room that the Avengers are in.

"You might as while give up now." I said and went in Peters arms and we both went back to our hide out.

"The Avengers know where we are, you two failed this mission." Ultron said mad and angry. Me and Peter didn't say anything.

This thing doesn't have the right to yell at us for doing something that he should have done himself.

"Do you want your sister in the condition that she was in when I met you both." Me and Peter looked down sad and worried that he would take me from my brother.

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