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This chapter is dedicated to every single reader that read my book.

After that little experience with Andy, I had to get away, I wanted to see my sister. I didn't join the Mutant Underground for a boyfriend, I joined it to protect my sister and now with the information I have I want to protect my family.

I went into Lorna and Marcos's room to see them making out.

"Eww, please stop," I said closing my eyes.

"I don't want to see that, I came in here to see my sister," I said putting my hands up to say that I give up.

"You can open your eyes now Scarlet." My sister said and I let one of my fingers pull away from part of my eyes to make sure that it was safe.

It was safe so I pulled my hands away from my eyes.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, someone told me that you were really worried, so I asked Marcos to get you a little gift."

I turned around to my brother Marcos and seen him holding a teddy bear and a bucket with beer and ice at the bottom. Must be for them, I looked at my sister and hugged her tight.

"Hey don't hug too tight, you'll hurt the baby." Then I and Marcos looked up at Lorna.

"Baby?" I said.

"Baby!" Marcos said and he hugged me and Lorna.

"I'm going to be a father!" Marcos said happily.

"Well, then we won't be needing this," he said putting the bucket of ice and the beer down.

"I guess we don't," Lorna said shaking her head while laughing. Marcos looked at Lorna's stomach and looked sad.

"Hey, Scarlet can you please give us a little alone time," Lorna asked me.

"Um, yeah, sure," I said walking out of the room. I went into John's room.

"Hey John, you okay?"

"Yeah just worried because of that girl, we haven't seen her since the battle with the Sentinel Service getting Lorna and Reed out."

"Your actually right about that because I haven't seen her either, I don't think that we should worry about that though because we need to worry about the mutants that are in Sentinel Service custody," I said.

"We need to get someone who can break into the solid wall and someone to get us all out."

"I was thinking it could be me, Clarice, when she is gets better and Dreamer," I said.

"But how are yall going to break the solid wall?"

"Um, I don't..."

"I and Lauren could do it."

"No your mom will kill us both." Me and John said together.

"Fine, me and Lauren are going and we will ask our mom." Andy said and then left.

I just shrugged my shoulders and left. I went to my room and laid flat down on my bed.

"Ugh." I groaned and I started to fall asleep.

"Where I'm I?"

"Your dreaming."

"I'm I, why are you here voice in my head?"

"Because WE need to talk about this "mission" that you are about to do, it is a suicide mission if you go, you will not win this battle, you are going to get captured."

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