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"Thor no!" I said but it was too late, everyone looked at the man.

"Tony what is going on?" Captain America said.

"He is apart of Javas I don't know what's going on."

"Where I'm I?" It said looking at all of us. Me and Peter just stayed there trying to be invisible, if Ultron wanted to end the world with this thing then I don't want to find out what he could do to a couple of people.

"You were an experiment by a machine." Peter said not backing down.

"He wanted to use you, so you could do bad things to people and the world." Black Widow said, I wanted to escape.

"We aren't here to hurt you, we need your help." Ironman said.

Sorry guys this chapter was really really short but I truly don't know what else to write y'all still haven't decided on what I should do.

Tony Stark told everyone the plan I wasn't paying attention unfortunately I was thinking about everything that could go wrong with Tony's plan.

Ultron could kill me and my brother this thing could kill all of us for Ultron and we're just telling him the plan.

Ultron could probably know where we are because of this THING and we're just telling it everything we know.

I'm being selfish by trying to keep my life, that sounds like something my brother would say.


"SCARLET!" I heard my name.

"What!?" I said to the person screaming my name.

"Were you paying attention?" My brother asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him confused.

"Oh because you had that face that you use when your talking to your self in your head."

"What I don't do that?"

"Yeah, we don't"

"See you did it again." He said to me and I playfully pushed him.

"Shut up!" I shouted at him.

"Kids no playing around in the headquarters." Tony said and me and Peter looked at him.

"Kids?" We said together.

"We're close to your age." Peter said.

"If your younger then me by even a minute, your still a kid." Me and Peter glared at him.

"Okay people lets get back on topic, we need to get everyone out of here, the cities are going to be lifted up, we need to get them all out of here, they can get hurt." Black Widow said.

"Right, we need an escape plan for them and us." Bruce Banner said agreeing with Black Widow who looked at him. I went onto the roof of the building needing some, me time. I would really love to see Andy but I can't.

"How does it feel being human?" I heard someone or better yet something say.

"It's great don't get too attached you might not stay that way for long." I said to it staring at it.

"You don't like me." He said as a statement, to me it was a question.

"No, I don't like how Ultron could build something that was built to destroy, but you feel things so I don't know if I should be considering you as a human or just a thing."

I went back into the building and went to the front door.

"I'll be back." I said and left. I went to the apartment that Lauren and everyone were at or most of them anyway.

I knocked at the door of Caitlin and Reed door.

No one Pov

"We're you in expecting anyone?" Lorna said getting her powers ready. Caitlin started walking to the door, she opened the door slightly and was so shocked to see that it was Scar.

"Oh my god, come in." Caitlin basically pushed Scarlet in the building.

"Hey." Scarlet didn't notice Lorna yet.

"Scarlet what are you doing here?" Reed asked.

"I wanted to say good bye for ever, I'm going in a war and I don't know if I'm going to make it out." I said serious with no emotions, Ultron taught us not to have emotions at all.

"Mom, dad who was at the door-." Lauren said and seen that it was me.

"Hi, Lauren."

"Scarlet!" She basically screamed, she ran up to me and hugged me I hugged back.

"Hey." Lorna said and Scarlet looked at Lorna and hugged her really tight.

"I missed all of you." Scarlet said sad.

"Hey, what's going on?" Andy said with his arm on top of another girl shoulder.

"Oh." He said looking at Scarlet and then the girl he was close with.

Who do you think the girl is to Andy, how did they met, how did he feel when Scarlet said she loved him and hung up the phone, does this new girl have any powers and why was she there?

Do you think Scarlet is going to be jealous, mad, sad, cry or emotionless.

Hope you enjoyed bye.

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