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Scarlet Pov

I woke up in a room on a rough bed. I got up slowly and looked around the room and seen a door. I went to it and was cautious of what I would find on the other side of the door.

I opened the door letting my curiosity take the better of me. I walked inside and seen a robot or something.

"help, someone help me, I've been kidnapped." I yelled seeing my powers igniting.

"hey Wanda, it's okay, you didn't get kidnapped." Peter laughed and smirked at me.

"Peter, where are we?"

"This is Ultron he saved you when you got drained of your power."

"How was my powers drained?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing, you don't remember what happened."

"no, I dont."

"what is the last thing you remember?"

"um the last thing I remember is when I was about to get adopted to my father."

"wait you only remember when we were little kids like 4 years old little, you sure you don't remember anything else?"

"I'm positive." I looked at Ultron.

"thank you for saving Ultron, we are in your debt."

"I do need 2 twins to help me build and destroy." me and Peter looked at each other and looked back at Ultron.

"we will do, our best." me and Peter said at the same time.

2 Month's Passed

"Peter, do you think Ultron will give us something to do, it's getting boring here and I miss Andy." I pouted.

"Andy and our other so-called friends abandoned you by yourself, I and Ultron saved you."

"fine, whatever, okay." I said and walked away from my brother.

"maybe they did leave me, but what happened."

"you and your brother are loud, so you are having doubts being here."

"what no, I don't have doubts it's just I miss someone I love."

"you have two people to love now, your brother and you." I nodded my head yes.

"maybe your right but can I please see them?"

"Sure, but you have to bring your brother, he is starting to get annoying." I laughed and walked to me and my brothers room.

"Ultron said I could go and see Andy and Lorna and everyone else but you have to go with me." My brother looked annoyed.

"Please Pietro, please."

"Ugh fine let's go." We went to the hotel underground that we last saw.

I knocked at the door that Lauren and her family were in the time that I was last there. Caitlin opened the door.

"Oh my god, Scarlet, Peter come in come in, are you both okay?"

"We're fine." I said politely.

"We just came to see everyone one last time."

"Does Reeva know that you both are here?"

"Actually we don't work for Reeva anymore." I said.

"What, what happened?"

"Just know that it is fixed and there is nothing to worry about." Peter said and I smacked his stomach. He looked at me with a 'What' face.

"Sorry Caitlin he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, we just wanted to say good bye."

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