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Andy Pov

"She's gone, Andy." One of the Frost sisters told me.

"Why is she being selfish and why aren't you three trying to help me get her back."

No one Pov

The Frost sisters used their powers on Andy.

"Scarlet left you and we stayed here with you, Scarlet does not love you, she played you and left with her brother, she does not love you forget about her get someone new." They said in his head.

Andy Pov

"I can't believe she just left, she doesn't love me, she lied, thanks for staying with me y'all are true family." I looked at them and smiled, they smiled back and left my room.

I went out, for a walk to process everything until I seen people, humans protesting for mutants. And I seen a girl my age chanting and trying to help.

"Mutants are just defending themselves, they are still people." She said.

She is trying to help us get our life back. I smiled at that.

I waited out there until she was going for a break.

"Hey." I said and she turned to me.

"Hi." She said with a smile.

"That's cool what your doing for mutants." I said smiling with her.

"Yeah, it is." She said still smiling.

"Why would you risk it for mutants."

"My father was a mutant, he was experimented on, and I want to see my father, he has been locked up for 5 years."

"Oh I'm sorry." I said looking down sad.

"No it's okay that's why I'm doing this, for him and all the mutants around the world." She said so confident.

"So would you date a mutant." I said looking at her.

"It depends on how I feel about them, what they do and if they killed someone before." She said trying not to laugh. My face turned pale like I just seen a ghost or worse Scarlett.

"I'm kidding." She said laughing. And I calmed down again.

"It only depends on how I feel about them."

"Why, do you know someone that's a mutant and likes me?"

"Yeah, your looking at him." She faked like she was surprised and then laughed.

"Yeah I know, you have the vibe."

"The vibe, what do you mean?"

"Mutants are more sophisticated then just humans and I can identify them." She looked at him hoping he gets it, but he doesn't, he just stared at her clueless.

"I'm half mutant, like 42% mutant." She said smiling at him.

"Right, I feel so stupid, I'm 100% mutant, I think."

"So how have you been living out in the human world without getting caught." I said to her.

"I have been living with family, how about you?" She asked me, I didn't want to tell her that I was apart of the bank murder.

"Um, family, too, well kinda family."

"Oh okay."

"I'm the only child, do you have any siblings?" Did I want to bring up Lauren?

"Um yeah I have a big sister named Lauren."

"Oh, okay." She said and looked down at her watch.

"Well my break is over, I guess I'll see you later, I didn't get your name." She said to me and I wanted to face palm myself.

"Um it's Andrew but you can call me Andy, and your name is?"

"It's Shala." She said to me.

'Shala, Shala, Shala her name sounds weird on my tongue like I'm not supposed to use it or say it. It doesn't feel right saying her name on my tongue.'

"Okay, Shala, I'll see you later." I said to her and went to the penthouse.

"Lorna, hey can I talk to you." I asked her watching her set Dawn in her crib.

"Yes, Andy, what is it?" She asked turning to me.

"I met this girl named Shala."

"Your moving on so quickly after Scarlett." Hearing her name makes me feel happy and just want to smile and hold her but I wasn't going to show it.

"Uh, yeah Scarlett left so I'm moving on from her, but my question is why do I feel like Shala isn't the right girl for me." I asked and she looked at me weirdly.

"Maybe your still attached to Scarlett." She assumed.

"I am not attached to Scarlett, she left on her own, not my problem."

"Andy this is your problem, because you left your girlfriend for dead, she saved your sister, you and everyone else that was getting John out of that place, you have no right to be this mean, she protected us." I knew she wasn't trying to be mean, it was all true. She did protect us but doesn't mean she could leave us, either she only thought of her self.

After that day I started going places with Shala, my tongue still doesn't like her name, but it had no choice but to like her name, I started spending more time with Shala, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she accepted.

Scarlett Pov

I can't believe he did this, I never cheated on him never, but if this is how he feels, then we were never meant to be.

"Hey, it's good to see all of you again." I said hoping that none of them heard the crack in my voice.

"Oh my god Scarlett it's you!" Lauren said and I hugged her.

"Hi, sorry I left it's just that I needed to get out of The Inner Circle for a while." I said to them all.

"But it's so good to see you all!" I said excited.

"Who are you?" The girl asked rudely.

"I'm Scarlett, Andrew's ex-girlfriend I guess." I said with my hand out for her to shake, she shakes it and I seen something, a vision, two actually.

The first one:

"I saved you both and this is how I get payed back!" I seem Ultron shout but everything was blurry.

The second vision:

"They won't know what we're doing!" The girl that was attached to Andy, said talking to someone I didn't recognize and they both were laughing evilly.

Hey guys updated say in tune for the next chapter next week, enjoy this chapter and all the others

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