Rooptop Meeting (part one)

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'I could pretty much think about my shitty life but well I don't want to breakdown so how about Spider-Man , being Spider-Man has its own perks ya know , teaming up with other vigilantes stopping crimes and fiery accidents , sometimes some Villains , sounds pretty cool, doesn't it??'

'I have been Spider-Man since 12 , don't argue why at that young age would risk their life but hey when you can do things I can do , and you don't bad things happen and they happen because you , jeez I am going off track , where was I ? So I had been working pretty smoothly for like 5 years , I meet other vigilantes in New York, I have meet many other people ,I personally think these guys are awesome: first the merc named Deadpool who killed bad people it was to hard convince him to give up killing that's totally different story ,then I meet Daredevil from hell's kitchen , that guy is amazing , he has heightened senses just like me but later I found out he is blind'

' I went off track again didn't I , screw ADHD , ok so last few months working together after lot of working out , but these few months had been a pain in the ass these S.H.I.E.L.D people started showing up , they started putting their nose in the one job which make me happy , they tried to catch me almost all time and that's why we are meeting on this rooftop of a shady place which so also happens to be Mexican restaurant , God why did we agree with Wade's suggestion again ...oohh sorry I forget to tell you didn't I ? I know who is Deadpool and Daredevil under mask but they have no clue who I am or I know their identities Well guess we'll have to see'

Spider-Man swings through building to building , as he reached near the rooftop he does a flip and lands graciously on the rooftop , he sat at the ledge letting his legs swing . He was early so he took the pleasure of admiring the city lights and the night sky

' somethings never get old I guess , I can feel DP (short for Deadpool) debating on to whether sneak on me but well let's play along it might be fun '

Like Spider-Man has assumed Deadpool has arrived with food package in his hand , he got burrito and chimichang for Spidey and himself, he didn't make much noise.

Just so you know, {} -white []-red . Now we are good to go

[Hah! He knows we are here]

{No dummy he doesn't ,we can sneak on him , maybe this time he might actually get scared , what say wadey??}

[Who did you call dummy ? You dumbass he is a superhuman]

{It won't hurt wadey let's try !!}

" hmm maybe we should try red , it won't hurt " he whispered

[Wade no , don't]

{Guess he won't listen to you this time }

He tiptoed to where Spidey as they call him and try to scare him , on other hand Spidey who was all aware didn't break his act and wanted to laugh out but was holding back , that would give him away

'he is such a man-child for an adult'

Little did DP knew that certain vigilante straight from hell's kitchen had arrived and was watching how this unfolds , the vigilante couldn't tolerate Deadpool's childish Tactics

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