He missed them...

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Peter stirred and felt movement around him immediately as he did. His eyes fluttered again , then slowly but surely peter opened his eye to come face to face with a worried looking face of a man with short blond hair , his eyes were blue. He sat up abruptly making the man stumble , from how close he was, to the floor.

{Owie Petey}

[Well serves you right , for practically leaning that close to him]

{He looks adorable even when he's confused and scared , Awwww}

'wait why is he confused , doesn't he know us'

[ No you idiot] {No dummy he doesn't}

" who are you sir ? How come you found this place ?" the way peter asked coldly while looking at Wade made him tremble slightly but he was kinda shocked he could hear his thoughts.

'I didn't say that aloud , did I?'

{Nopity Nope} [No]

Peter could hear the man's thoughts.

{Holy shit ?!! Wadey he can hear us , Hi I am White-y, I am very teasy}

"Oh thank God , it's you wade" peter hugged wade tightly sighing in relief.

"if I heard right , white just got excited and introduced to me , it's one of the voices in your heard , right?" peter as he let go of wade.

Wade nodded still looking shocked.

"yeah. You're awake finally , I don't know how to thank you Peter , I...I am cured...God I didn't know that was even possible...F-Francis that Jerk-k told it can't be r-reversed but you d-did i-it" said wade embracing peter again , tears prickled in his eyes , peter was awake and that's all matteref , it had been two long depressing weeks without peter around. Wade can't wait to go on patrol with peter.

"So...if you are done , I want to meet peter too , I haven't seen him in two weeks too ya know" came a voice from the doorway.

"Matt" peter practically collided with Matt tackling him in a hug , he missed them. Matt chuckled.

"Take it easy , Peter. I feel like we need to understand what new powers you have developed, you were practically a blur to Human eye, faster than before , Matt didn't even felt you coming" whiz said politely to her creator.

"gotcha whiz , missed me?" peter asked winking at whiz.

Whiz mockingly scoffed "not really , but some people did" she said emphasizing people , which peter understood completely , investors from France , they were going to meet him one week ago but well unfortunately for him , he was in a coma.

"Hey whiz I wanna run few tests on the cure , since wade showing good results , we could try that on May , it must be safe..."

Peter said walking towards the hidden door in his lab. He placed the hand , the door revealed homey place there. This time however , Matt and Wade followed in as to look around because Wade was curious and white wouldn't shut up about the secret door. Matt followed because he didn't want wade to do something stupid. Peter disappeared in the room as wade and Matt looked around the place , it had living room with open kitchen , barstools placed along the counter with all kinda of appliances. The living room had a huge L-shaped sofa and a coffee table which had a vase with paper roses? Then there was a bed in the corner and a night stand, beside which opened into walk in wardrobe and other side had door , probably the bathroom.

"What the hell ?!!"

They heard Peter's voice , they quickly went towards the walk in wardrobe, and what they saw kinda shocked them.

Bones? Where that bones? Protruding out of each of Peter's wrist which kind had torn his sweater paws.

Peter looked at them then back at the bones ?

'no stingers but spider don't have stingers do they and my mouth feels weird too and I can practically hear Wade's and Matt's alarmingly thoughts concerning me'

"hey guys give me a minute will ya?"

Peter concentrated and the stingers got back inside his wrist with had like a mechanism?

Wade shuddered looking at the stingers reminded him of someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill him again and again for no effing reason.

{Meh wolvey doesn't know how to take a joke}

[You spew nonsense all the time , so yeah I would have done that same thing he did]

"hey wade you look pale , you good?"

"uh..yeah...spaced out a bit"

Peter said a okay with concern , looking for answers in Matt's direction , who just shrugged.

Suddenly Peter eyes glazed , then he came face to face with a very hairy male who had steel? No adamantium?!! Claws coming coming from his knuckles pounced at him. He slashed and slashed ,viciously , crisp attacks , alert posture , rage , he could feel it coming from man.

"Come on wolvey, it was just a joke" he heard wade's voice coming from his own mouth , so he was seeing something wade was seeing.

Wolvey? growled and everything went dark. Pain. Pain. He felt intense pain and fear intense fear coursed through his body.He screamed and fell.

Wade was there in a heartbeat, catching peter as he fell and continued screaming , his eyes were closed , tears already forming. He looked at Matt desperately not knowing what to do , Matt crouched down beside wade who was holding Peter now sitting comfortably on the floor. Matt gently placed a hand on Peter's hand and spoke.

"peter , listen to me , yeah , open your eyes"

Peter heard , he opened his eyes unshed tears sliding down his face to see wade and Matt looking worriedly , he felt pathetic and embarassed for showing weakness in front of them.

"What happened" wade asked in soft voice , which made peter feel angry on himself. Why was he feeling overwhelmed like this ? He didn't know.

{Boy , he looks so scared , Petey oh Petey Don't worry we got you}

[Um I am not very good at this thing , but yeah peter we're here , wade and Matt are also here, we're all here , it's okay...let it go]

**Giggles**{Let it goooo....let it goooo...-}

[Fuck no white , you better shut up]

{NO...you're the one with wind and sky...let it gooo...let it gooo.ooo...we never want to see you cry...}

'I am pretty sure that's not how the lyrics goes'

{Hehe it's for Petey , he can hear , yay , did you like it Petey ?}

"thanks white and red" peter said , as Matt looked puzzled.

'who's peter talking about ? Red and white ? Maybe I should-'

"Matt , it's the voices in Wade's head , Red and White , I can hear them , and your thoughts"

Matt thought he had seen so much in life oh right he couldn't see before, but you get that right. He had fought aliens , assassin , a god , ninjas , Dracula but peter always continues to amaze him.

"umm Matt?"

'oh god I had been staring to long at peter...say something say som-'

Peter giggled, " it's fine Matt"

"call Dr. Connors now whiz"

"calling..." **beep**

"Hello peter , I was beginning to think you wouldn't call ever , thank goodness , how're you?"

"Dr. Connors...I am good , hope your work in shield going good"

"yes , it feels so nice working again for good cause , all thanks to you , but I heard , the Avengers are onto you"

"is that so ? I have been out for 2 weeks Doc I need to check updates"

"I am happy you trust me with your secret , after all I had done , thank you Peter"

"to be honest here doc , I thought you would rat me out for getting higher position" peter said with a chuckle.

"very funny peter , I swear , peter , I will take your secret to my grave" Connors said in all seriousness which made peter smile , genuinely.

"I have a favor to ask if you don't mind doc"

"Ask away I owe you my life and for saving my son my family"

"I want..."

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