"Healing serum"

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Well now Peter is put in a sticky situation , whiz will recognise him anyway but the problem is he hadn't reprogrammed whiz lately , though she is sentient A.I., self-aware and all amazing. whiz could be advanced but he doubt his ability to built smarter A.I. than tony stark himself. He used to look upto the man for his technological advancements he has made , but peter lately understood the saying " don't meet your hero , coz they couldn't be like you see them" . So as Peter was walking down along with Deadpool , in the underground sewer system ,

he wondered,

'How long could I be able to keep my identity a secret from DP if we keep meeting like this...and now he's taking to base I know too well it's hard to pretend like you don't know when you know everything'



"You said you had a job right?"

"Uh huh"

"It's Stark industries right?"

"Yeah , well they pay fair enough but most goes on the tax and rent , the rest to food and school few , that covers pretty much up, why'd you ask?"

"It's just I was thinking-"

"Wait you think? Hahahaha oops sorry I just ..."

"Very funny kid , FYI I do think " Deadpool says in mock anger and peter sees right through it

"Yeah right, how far ?"

Peter did know how far he just want to play this out. To the top of it he was hungry

"Just little more"

At this exact moment , his stomach growls , he is flushed with embarassment and the mercenary chuckles at that

"Sorry I am just so hungry"

"That's fine hope Spidey had left something in there"

They walk like that for atleast 20 minutes , twisting turning , he knew why Deadpool choose this way as this lead near to S.I.

"Finally" peter huffs as they reach the mechanical door. The laser line scans both peter and Deadpool.

"Welcome back Mr.Wilson , and we have guest too, Hello , Mr.Parker , I am whiz , the A.I. of the base and I kindly welcome you to Team red base of operations" a voice which peter know full well calks out , he thanked whatever the gods as whiz didn't give away his secret identity to Deadpool.

"Woah cool" he exclaimed

The door opens and Deadpool strides in with peter trailing behind , he looks at one of the camera and blows a kiss to whiz and mumbles a quite thanks. Whiz gets connected to his watch , the screen lights up, and text appears
' Your welcome boss , it's my job to ensure your safety '

"Hey Mr.Deadpool , so umm don't you think Mr.Spider-man or Mr.Daredevil will be mad that you brought a complete stranger to the secret base" peter asks curious because he would be definitely be mad if Deadpool did bring someone else here

"Don't worry kid , Spidey's cool , and you're the first person , besides team red to enter the base and besides you look like one of the good people who one can trust secret " Deadpool explains

"Wow thanks Mr.deadpool, but how do you know I can be trusted" again he curiously

' Spidey is cool , I beg to differ , you guys are  cooler than me, I am just a science nerd with science gig'

" I just know kid , Now let's get you patched up " Deadpool says as he guides Peter to sit on medical table . "Hey a machine here patches up , if you're scared of it , I'll do it ok " to which peter only nods

Then the robotic hands come out , one hand scans his body " 4 broken ribs, bruised wrist , bruises on torso and back, patient needs minimum 800 calories of food as soon as possible"

The two robotic arms cleans the blood off and bandages his face whilst other robotic arm brings a syringe with some purple kinda liquid which is about to inject it to peter who looks bit scared he is scared of needles and that won't change no matter what. "WAIT!!" Deadpool shouts " whiz Darlin what's the liquid"

"It's newly tested Healing serum Mr.Wilson , it will help him heal his broken bones in an hour or two"

"Right cool , Spidey is always busy doing something in that lab of his , he's a freaking magician if you ask me pete , do you see this babies" he says pointing to his weapons " they are just electrified , they don't kill" he says winking at him

Peter nods his head in acknowledgement , while he was distracted the robotic arm had already injected the serum " healing serum successfully injected " peter looked at Deadpool , a look that said ' betrayal'

"What , you were scared , I just distracted you " Deadpool exclaims to which peter huffs , he started to feel drowsy after 5 minutes

" Mr . Deadpool I need to be at S.I at 4:50 pm , wake me up soon, I just gonna take nap right here " with that peter yawns and sleeps on the medical table , Deadpool coos seeing this.

"But he didn't eat-"

" Did I miss something ?" A voice calls from behind , Deadpool twirls quickly only to come face to face with Daredevil.

Daredevil on seeing peter thinks

'told ya he'll stalk you'

Journey Of Team Red : From Streets To S.H.I.E.L.DWhere stories live. Discover now