Peter's Everyday life

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TW: mention of bullying , blood.please avoid that content if you are person who might triggered because of personal experience , read at your own risk. You have been warned.

Hope you enjoy the story though


He swing through building to building , it was so nice to swing , one second to hit ground , then in air as he shot a web, he loved the thrill , the rush of adrenaline , everytime he shot a web nearly hitting the ground and then flinging in the air . The wind rushing past his face mask , it felt awesome. it was like escape from the cruel reality and freedom which he enjoyed as he swung until he reached one of the many wary looking apartments  in those shady streets where you can get mugged easily but since Spider-Man appeared, the place had been lesser  crime rate absolutely zero. He jumped on the roof and quietly crawled down on the wall , as soon as he reached a window at third floor he opened and crawled in like a spyder , he sneaked into his bedroom quickly changed into his PJs and flopped on his bed. It 2:30 am , as soon as he hit the bed , he drifted into a dreamless sleep.


He smashed his alarm clock for god knows like millionth Time in past four years and 8 months. The poor alarm clock had endured this for few months. He groaned  because it was so early and now his alarm clock was beyond fixing he had to buy another one . He tried to open his eyes , he was so tierd. He rubbed his eyes as if trying to rub the sleep off of them , he sat up , his curly  brown chestnut hair sticking everywhere messy from sleeping. He stifled a yawn by placing a hand over his mouth.

' God , it's morning already, I should seriously have a healthy sleep cycle but hey on bright side I didn't have nightmares atleast it was worth coming back late knowing people are safe and sound '

He grabbed his phone from the nightstand , and saw it was Monday , he groaned again.

'its Monday , yay !! First day of the week . Note the sarcasm , I just hate Mondays, don't ask me why though it's just a human thing , even though I am part spider'

He started scrolling on the news updates , it had become a habit since , team red was formed , he always gathered information to bust some mafia groups or mad scientist , sometimes hacked into secret organisation without getting noticed. He scrolled through messages. It was from the group chat that he , his friends Ned and MJ made.

Group chat
Boss bitch & the nerds

Nerd #2: dude we have test in chem , just so you know , coz you 4get
Yesterday, 9:39pm

Nerd #2: good morning guys Just now

Nerd #1:  mornin' ned , thanks for reminding me tho , sorry was busy last n8 reading the latest edition of Bruce banner's book 2 mins ago

Nerd #2: oh cool dude just now

Boss bitch : morning losers , meet ya @school 1 min ago

Nerd #1: see ya

Nerd #2 : m'kay

He took quick shower , put his clothes on .He put his phone , books in the bag  oh ofcourse his  Spidey batch thingy on his shirt which is camouflaged and his web shooters/ AI watch/ bracelets on. He made breakfast , checked on his aunt who was well, drunk and sleep.

' well that's new , I hope she's doing okay  we haven't talked to each other since 4 years after Uncle Ben's death, I wish I had saved him that day '

He shakes his head as if trying to clear his thoughts and walks out of apartment and into the busy streets of New York until he reaches a subway from where he  walks to school

--------Time skip brought by guide to being reckless by DEADPOOL-------

He walked into school , waved to his friends who were standing by his locker as usual. "Hey guys" he says per usual they walked to their class room . School went good .

⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

he was about leave through the doors that when someone called
"Parker ", he spider-sense tingled of the immediate danger but he ignored because he knew who it was the famous quarterback of midtown , Eugene 'flash' Thompson , a loaded spoilt brat who hated peter since he was always first in the classes and in a few games too . Flash grabbed peter by his elbow and shoved Peter on the lockers  very harshly that it leave bruises .

' I swear to god , one day when I loss it , I am accidentally gonna kill him , which I intend never to do so. Deep breathes Peter, don't make this worst '

" I told you finish my homework, parker , you orphan little shit , you know what  I am -"

" Flash!! You dumbass , you forgot give your notebook , how is that fair?"

' SHIT , yep prepare for my funeral fellas ,I know this not fair but hey I am Spider-Man I can bear this pain , if he doesn't take his anger on me he will go after other students , which I won't let to  happen'

"You cut me off , PARKER, you're gonna pay for this "

'here it goes'

Flash punched hardly on his face leaving black eye , then hit another punch square on the face , breaking his nose , and grabbed his hair and hit to the near by wall causing black dots to dance , blurring his vision , he fell to floor ,flash grabbed him by his collar

"Stand up fucker " he says and again shoves in the lockers , making a cut to his forehead as red liquid dripped , flash continues to kick him , until he gets tierd , he spits "pathetic , waste of space , you deserve nothing penis " and stormed out of the school , peter lied there on tye floor for like 5 minutes then got up his injuries had started to heal , his clean himself up , changed his t-shirt which he grabbed from bag just in case when needed spare clothes.

⚠️End - Trigger warning ⚠️

'just hope I am not late , not that they care but still..3:58 pm , almost there , phew 4:00 pm just in time'

He left and reached Stark industries , where he worked as paid-intern. He greets everyone he sees in his way . He was the youngest and smartest intern in the lower intern levels , his supervisor asked to promote him after 2 weeks he joined but he politely declined , he had been working since an year and half . He dreamt to work with stark hell he even had IQ and AI that could rival ,the one and only Tony Stark or Ironman and Dr.Bruce banner  , the people he looked upto . He helped everyone at the labs in lower intern while making them to promise that they should never tell he helped them . Everyone liked him . Somehow so far he had managed to stay hidden from the man who run the company which was surprisingly not possible but he is Spider-Man , sneaky little Spidey who had done the impossible.

He would lent some materials from waste projects and used them for  team red . The other sources for improving their was Mr.Lee's junkyard and Mr.Jaden's hardware store where worked. After finishing his job at SI he night go work at hardware store and visit Mr.Lee at the junkyard. Then he will home do homework or his projects or  meet his friends and after  dinner he will go out patrolling with DD and DP till 3 am . Sometimes he would come earlier sometimes past 3 am . This was a regular cycle until now. Because Parker luck TM is gonna strick soon.

Stay tuned for further updates...

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