Stalking him

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It was normal , Peter was off to school from the base itself he didn't return home that night coz it was too late to go back as far Aunt May, she would be at Night shift so he was out of trouble. He got so late from patrol like 4am and went and slept in his secret room in the lab area , he had a few set of clothes in there as for the breakfast part he played "his favourite playlist " and the start making his breakfast .

"Can I call you baby?

Can you be my friend ?

Can you be my lover up until the very

end "

He made the batter breaking eggs , adding milk , sugar , vanilla essence and flour and sing the song

"Let me show you love..

Oh no I don't pretend

Stand by my side even the world

Giving in "

He poured the batter and then lights another stove , puts some oil and cracked some eggs , then blend some fresh fruit juice and he continued hum happily

"Oh oh oh.... don't

Don't you worry

I'll be there whenever you want me "

He sets the dishes on the dinning area as he continues sing while swaying a little

"I need somebody who could love me at my worst...

No, I am not perfect but I hope you see my worth...

'cause It's Only You, Nobody New, I Put You First

And For You, Girl, I Swear I'll Do The Worst"

He flips the pan cake as he stakes them in the plate.

"Sorry to disturb you boss , but you'll be late to School at this rate " whiz exclaims

"Right Right Whiz , thank you for reminding me " peter thanks whiz

He finishes his breakfast , fastens his bag and make his way to the school, where his not so favourite jock waits for him to show up coz he is pissed.

He takes he extra skateboard in base and started to go towards the school , as hr reached th gate , he tucked his skateboard under his arm as he made his way inside the school. He had felt like someone had been watching him , he ignores and continues to walk in. He reached the locker , placed his board , got his books.

And when he turned , guess what he got shoved into locker with so much force that his side hurt so bad.

"Yo, Penis, where'd you think you're going eh?"

Just then Mr.Morita came walking around the corner , so he left peter , Peter caressed his side. He went to his first period , where he found both his besties were on leave.

'gah today is going to be literal hell ...fudge he's sitting behind why am I so cursed '

Flash and his lackeys sat behind Peter's desk , flash kept kicking Peter's already sore back throughout period , occasionally his friends throwing paper balls at peter.

Second period rolled over 'thank god no flash nest two periods ...but what about lunch' he had brought 10$ for lunch but the way flash was closing in on him , he will bump into him anyway.


Outside the school:

Deadpool had nothing to do today so he decided to sit out and look over Peter Parker from opposite building. He saw how peter had cool entry at the school with a skateboard, as he kept seeing , it somehow had rolled to first period, he switched to different side the building to have clear sight on peter , when he found peter in a class , what he saw made his blood boil. A blonde jock was kicking peter at the back again and again , and the group who Deadpool has dubbed his lackeys were taunting peter.

[They fucking what now , if only killing minors was legal , they'd be dead meat]

{~how dare they wadey teach them a lesson now~}

I fucking hate bullies, that little...

[ Gah I can't see this]

{~ouch wadey do something, he's hurting our friend~}

For the love of God I know but I just can't break into the school

[ Wade having common sense wow never thought I would see this day ]

Rude red

[Atleast the first period is over ]

To Peter's delight flash didn't get him at lunch time but boy was he wrong when he thought he would get away from flash after school , well yes , he got carried by his collar to back of the school were , flash was having his way with him , he punched him on his torso and his face , he was coughing out blood

'one of this days I just want to hit this mother trucker so badly'


This got the group's attention, their eyes widened the size of the dinner plate, there stood a figure in red and black suit weapons showing off as if on display .

"Now why would wankers beat up cute boy like this one , I hate bullies you know" he says playing with his gun. Deadpool was pretty sure these kids pissed in their pants except for Peter ofcourse , he rolled his eyes at Deadpool's antics

They dropped peter and ran genuinely scared for their life. Peter on other side tried to move but pain flared all over his torso and he collapsed on the floor back. Deadpool picked the poor kids bag , and books and kneel down next to him.

"For a smart person , you don't even have common sense of primal instinct to defend yourself, you could have tried you know, atleast complain to principal"

"Do you think I didn't try or defend?"

"No , looking at you , I don't think you did , but you could have couldn't you "

"I tried but he tried to go after another kid , I couldn't let that happen , if he want to hurt someone it could be me than another kid"

"That so noble of you but kid self-preservation is a thing " Deadpool exclaimed worried for his friend.

'this kid'

"60 bucks , you were stalking me from that buliding coz you get Clear view " peter says pointing at the exact same building Deadpool was on whilst grinning like cat

"You're right , damn you're so smart" he says handing him 60 bucks which peter takes hastily coz his body screaming in pain."hey you look pretty much banged up , I could take to some place to look over "

"I am flattered thank you but I got a job so ...Bye" peter says leaving Deadpool behind trying to walk fast

"Not so fast , first let's get you treated , I know a place"


He's not thinking about the base is he ? Peter thinks

"It's kinda like secret lair for team red"

'Well shit'

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