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With sleepy peter in the medical wing , Deadpool couldn't help but coo silently , he went and carried him bridal style very carefully as to not distrub the sleeping cutie. Matt watched wade silently wondering what has this kid done that changed both of them. He molded both of them for better.

"Oh ummm Matt do you know any place where we could let him rest " Wade asks Matt .to which he replies " ask whiz "

They know about the medical wing had one bed but they never used it much. Besides two lounge areas they had no idea about the secret room in the laboratory with a small home like environment with kitchen , living area , bathroom all that. There is a common kitchen area which is were peter cooked that morning.

" Whiz darling , do you have like you know a bedroom somewhere here"

" Yes Mr.Wilson , this way" whiz says as the supposed wall slides like a door to reveal a pathway which lights up and there are like 10 rooms on each side and 1 room at the end in the middle.

"Ok Imma gonna ditch my apartment and moving in here" Deadpool exclaims

"I am afraid you should ask boss first" Whiz says chuckling at the end to which both Matt and wade look suprised besides sleepy petey. "What?! Didn't know I had emotions, I do , infact I have a body of my liking too , two actually" she says making them suprised even more , they both were dumbfounded at this new information

"Don't believe me... watch this" whiz , they watch as the coding move far away and disappear

"Where'd she go??" Matt asks wade who shakes his head " don't know". Then they here foot steps , more like heals clicking.

"Hi...I am Izzy Walace Heinrich" she says in her female humanoid glory. In fact she looks so human that wade had to resist the urge to go pinch her cheek to confirm it , coz he would drop peter. She looked so beautiful , like fine piece of work

"Wow...right I really thought that Spidey was a magician but now he is a creator, Matt pinch me...is she real" Wade asked Matt , who whacks Wade's head and asks " there, now go tuck him in"

"Alarm set for next 45 minutes" whiz exclaims

"What's the alaram for ?" Matt asks whiz

"Oh that , peter asked Mr.wilson to wake him up so" she says

" Right , it's nice meeting you.....uh What should I call you ? Whiz or Izzy?" Matt asks her

"Whiz is fine, that's a made up name for other businesses" she explains to Matt

"Oh ok , what other businesses , if you Don't mind saying"

" That is classified Mr.Murdock"

------time skip brought to you by awkward moments with Whiz the A.I.------------

Triiiiingg Trriiinggg Tttyyriiiiggg

Peter woke up to alarm blaring , as his hand wanders to stop the awful noise that disturbed his sleep but finds nothing and he hears all to familiar voice.

" Boss , if you're trying to find 28th alarm this year which you currently bought, I would like to remind you that you're not at the apartment"

"Arghhh...huh right , whiz , are you in your humanoid form "

"Yes boss" whiz says

"Oh right , bet they're wary seeing you like that , you can't give people heart attack like that whiz....now will you kindly allow me I need to get to work , inform them that Spidey showed me out ok...Bye " he says as he inserts the coordinates on the teleporting codes to appear in the alley near the S.I were no people mostly wander.Thanking Deadpool as he had left his bag in the room, he slings his book on his shoulder and disappears in white light

" Ok DAdddd...bye" whiz replies.

He teleports in the alley and walks inside the building.

He gets his badge scanned and rushes to the elevator.

"Peter...?" Someone says , as the doors open.

"Wanda..?!...um hi..."

"What are you doing here?"

" I work here .......suprise "

Journey Of Team Red : From Streets To S.H.I.E.L.DWhere stories live. Discover now