Taking a day off (part 2)

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Taking a day out was not bad idea but to peter taking a day out also means being more productive and making deals for company's benefit. however today he didn't donned the disguise of Elam Mintz of opsifer industry to make deals but to bring the crime boss , the kingpin , Wilson fisk to justice. The plan was simple however he can't help but feel that he is agitated , ever since he woke up, he hadn't been physically active. The two weeks built energy is making him fidge , and the urge to just run for mile or two or just climb the tallest building is high. He tries to calm himself as he approaches the gigantic fat man.

Wilson fisk was many things but he has never been so terrified unless his wife is involved, however this young lad , carries himself with such air of mystry and elegance ,is quite terrifying. To him he looks pure like an angel but that is not it , he is an archangel, he thinks.

" uh Mr.Fisk , I wasn't expecting you to make a move after such accusations"

" fear not Mr. Mintz, I assure my reputation will not affect our collaboration, opsifer is world's fastest growing industries and merely wish to be a part of your great empire"

They shake hands, Mintz hands are cold as ice he notices. Fisk has never been so nervous in his life, this young man , here is the largest business tycoon in the whole world. And he has come forward to make deal. However peter thinks otherwise, he noticed there a quite a number of bodyguards in the building with high tech weapons. He also saw the famous assassin Elektra in her glamorous outfit lurking near Fisk right around corner in the dark. He knows were moon knight is stationed, and the countdown has started. He plan includes while fisk is busy entertaining peter, moon knight would take down people sneaking from the basement and deadpool will take hits from the from the nearby building which has clear shooting range.

Peter tried to talk dp out but to no avail, he insisted on coming. However was they didn't notice is that frank was actually disguised as one of the bodyguards and was on the same floor where the deal was going to be sealed. Frank , thinks that , if someone is trying to help fisk, he must also must be scumbag too. The media portrays both fisk and mintz as great public figures and law abiding citizens. Frank stopped in believing in what media has to say , after all most newspapers sold fabricated stories and real incidents.

Fisk pours a glass of champagne for mintz and serves it to him.

"I don't drink Mr. Fisk" peter politely declines.

"I wouldn't any less from a person like you Mr. Mintz , you really are great person as I was told"

"you flatter me, I am not as great as they portray, I can be ruthless and merciless Mr. fisk"

"so I have heard"

"I mean no harm Mr. Fisk. However, there is something, I need to show you and that might bring you misfortune"

' misfortune' Fisk thinks shuddering ' what does this guy has against me, he says he means no harm, but what do I feel so tense...I must stay vigilante'

"you are right Mr. Fisk , its okay to be tense after all you have committed such heinous crimes no?"

" hahahaha so what if I did , Mintz you're still here to make a deal...what I have done in the past doesn't really concern you...but you and I are businessmen and we get rid of the issue that's bad for business , don't we, we are just the same"

Peter was already very agitated and what fisk said just provoked him. He didn't spare glance before , he crashed the bodyguard nearby into the fall with such force, at this point the blue aura had surrounded him and his eyes were flaring with energy eerily. Fisk was shocked to say the least, he has heard rumors about the owner of opsifer's empire being a mutant, but now he get witness his wrath first hand.

"ELEKTRA ?!! what the hell are you doing, come protect me"

The female assassin came into the view and started attacking peter , array of sharp objects.

' damn it I didn't sign up for fighting those mutant lunatics ...the bald fat man better increase my pay'

" I will pay 11 times the amount fisk pays you" peter says to see if she takes the bait.

' 11 times'

"make it 12 and I will do whatever you ask me to"

"deal, do not protect fisk, I want you to take charge of all of fisk's crime circles, round them up and let the police deal with the guilty"

"Huh? That doesn't make sense?!!...so this was your plan all along, sabotage me and take my cofession, so police can get me...Mintz your naïve" Fisk mockingly laughs saying that.

**BADABADABADA** " he might be but I am not... YOU MOTHERFUCKER"

Frank takes charge and shoots at Fisk , Elektra doesn't protects him, he tries to shield himself but its too late, he gets shot in the chest and abdomen, the bullets just pass through from the other side.

' fucking finally... I hope you all can rest in peace, I have avenged your deaths' Frank thinks about his deceased family.

"And you, Mintz, I misjudged you...but I promise one wrong move, I will blew your brain. Scram" frank threatens peter and push past Elektra.

" you must keep your promise Mr. Castle, I hope your family can rest in piece now" peter sincerely replies

'cheeky bastard ' frank thinks

" Elektra , no one should get the air what happened here, treat the casualties and discard the body , keep clean ,leave no trace" peter orders Elektra.

"will do Mr. Mintz"

" oh and please take care of fisk's family, that's the least we can do for such monster"

"will do Mr. Mintz , is there anything else, I need to take care of"

"oh there is, take care of yourself, you are now asset of mine" peter says as he strokes her cheek , he didn't what came over him, he just did. It felt right but he doesn't like to do again. Someone might mistake that as a an act of intimacy

Peter awkwardly coughs and excuses himself from the building , leaving Elektra to take care of the mess. Elektra for first time felt like she is needed not just for her skills.

' Is what they call having a crush....urgh I am not a school girl anymore...so annoying...let's get to work'


Wassup people , sorry I had my exams , these one and half month had been tiring , hope you like the update, I hope I didn't disappoint you...

~ Yours friendly

Purple spotlight (•ᴗ-)✧

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