Venomous Frenemy

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Flashback :

3 years ago

Edward Brock wasn't actually an enemy of Spider-Man not really. They had just attacked Spider-Man because he had prevented them from eating a bad guy. Venom or Eddie were just doing fine , until venom started drifting away , it  kept telling that Spider-Man was best host and had abandoned Eddie. Spider-Man well he was too oblivious that there was an alien mass of black goo  had attached to himself. Whiz being the smart AI  she was used high pitched sound waves so she could keep her boss safe and so she did. Then the black goo had fled but not before it came to know that Peter Parker was Spider-Man.

Venom had returned and shared the knowledge with Eddie was quite shocked to know that the Spider-Man was actually a fricking teenager , a child. He had attacked the child so he did  what any reasonable person would have done they as in venom and Eddie found Spidey and disclosed whatever they've learnt. Peter being the understable person he understood so he made his personal mission to get sister venom , yes you heard right his sister venom 50 kg of raw meat delivered to them anonymously. So venom wouldn't go kill people.

But sometimes venom would play with Spidey preying him sometime , peter didn't get why venom was so obsessed on chasing him. But then he understood it wants to feel the rush too like he did when he is fighting bad guys. For anyone who looked at them , one might think they  were enemies but they were  friends actually.

Present time:

Team red base:

The alarms went off signalling that someone was trying to break in keyword: trying.

"Spidey , it appears an intruder trying to get through our security , 2% of the security is damaged" Whiz the AI girl told them of the situation

'who could it be no one knows about this place....unless it's..' peter thought realisation hitting him.

"Whiz , get me the footage " Spidey says and the footage is playing. A mass black goo which appears like man or larger than man trying to pry the doors open only succeeding to make small dent the size of a coin its slithers "Ssspideyy"

Deadpool and Daredevil look at each other and then at spider, who was well doing something with his braces in his wrists. "Umm...what are you doing?" Deadpool asks out of curiosity

Spidey looks at them , grinning under his mask "oh well I going to try this teleportation device , I was just inputing some data" and then he pressed the button and disappeared in light within microseconds

Deadpool nodded at Daredevil in understanding and they took other route to get to the alien goo before Spidey gets hurt but to their surprise before they could make it , Spidey was walking in with a man with broader shoulder and physique but his hair was brown mostly.

" Where's that black goo? Spidey did it hurt you , and who is this man "Deadpool says  taking a defensive stance with Daredevil while the man stood tensed

"Chill guys"he says a little bit amused because of their over-protective behaviour "This is  Edward Brock , or Eddie ... Eddie this is Deadpool and this is Daredevil " he says gesturing the two of them. All the three were tensed because they felt hostile towards each other except for Spidey who was incredibly relaxed with all of this.

"So... Eddie how'd find me , you know this is network through out the new york so how?" Spidey asks

" I didn't , venom did , we had to talk to you about something important , Spidey " Eddie says.

"Wait , venom , who ?" Daredevil asks

A  head forms from Eddie's body all hooey and black with white eyes , mouth with sharp tooth  and  long slithering tongue , drool  was coming out of its mouth. It's slithers with Eddie and says "We are venom"

"That's cool" Deadpool blurted out fascinated with black mass of goo

" Ignore him,  what it is you wanted say  " Spidey asks

"Spidey , I was with sinister six for while to know what they're planning , they're planning on taking you down , they're bringing those know who yeah them so..I just came to warn you and they're also planning to have kingpin as their ally if failed this assault"

"Oh ...ok , you didn't had to but thanks Eddie but they just let you go that's a little sus"

"We thought the same but no nothing "

"Well that's good , well not really"

"You gotta be shitting me v , come back" Eddie says as venom goes and tickles Spidey making him laugh roll on the floor , it licks the face well mask wetting it with drool. Spidey didn't mind though he liked his sister venom.

"Sister that's enough , oh my god" he says giggling uncontrollably.

"Brother , it's good to see you " venom slithers out

"Is your pet safe coz those sharp teeth says otherwise" Daredevil asks Eddie who just shrugs having seen this happen for hundredth time.

As Spidey and venom played , the three adults get preoccupied with their conversation. Daredevil and Deadpool reveal their identities knowing they can trust him as Eddie had been good friend of Spidey.

"Hey Spidey , there is another symbiote wreaking havoc , called carnage , I just feel the need to stop him , can I get any details " Eddie

"Sure" Spidey says as he types and few things downloading the details in a watch drive while his other hand petting venom who was enjoying it greatly.
"I got everything  you need in this , the host name is clautus Kassidy, and this guy's nuts , a freaking psychopath kills people for fun then after he was used to experiment... blah blah just read it and one more thing carnage can be defeated with extreme heat you know like fire or your not so favourite high pitched sound waves but I installed something in this watch that help you defeat him but you should find in on your own " he winks as the lens mimic his eyes. Eddie rolls his eyes and grins . He takes watch and with that he left.

"So that was one hell of a guest , tell me you know more people like that , that guy was so cool " Deadpool says

"Yeah he is "

"So the help I was going to ask is that can search on name "Peter Parker" Spidey I just need to know few things about him"

"Hold on a damn minute , who's this guy ? Why would you want to search about him?" Spidey says bewildered at thought

"Well I just feel the need to protect him that's why"

"We can't evade someone's privacy"

"Please like you haven't done it before"

"Fine......ah looks like he had good firewalls... sorry Mr.Wade" Spidey replies

Daredevil had his eyes fixated on Spidey , peter was damn sure Daredevil had smug smile on his face. Peter looked at him frantically gesturing 'a little help' but he gives no shit and gestures 'deal it yourself' winking. Then they go for patrol again.

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