" Can we not hold hands "

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Pietro always annoys his sister but then again which brother doesn't. He liked to annoy her because she loves her , she was only person besides His Ma and Papa who would tolerate him , understood him better than anyone else did. He was going to his room when He heard commotion in Wanda's room , he butted in and heard the entire conversation between Tony and Wanda , he trusted Tony but the way Tony walked ashamed , terrified and faint red glow he was pretty sure the talk didn't go well. He heard Wanda cry and tell " He's the reason they're dead" now for anyone who's not related to Wanda , they wouldn't be able understand what that statement supposed to mean but Pietro knew what it meant he knew it , Tony was responsible for their parents deaths , his weapons destroyed their once happy family , render her sister him orphaned and helpless. As much as Pietro wanted to strangle Stark , he wouldn't the man had been so good to them , he knew it wasn't an act it was care , Tony cared about their well-being.

He was going to comfort Wanda as he stood at her room door. The door suddenly swung open , Pietro go his face banged *thud* "Ouch , what the-" he caresses his face and from one eye open he sees Wanda get into the elevator , she was crying so bad. Before he could do anything she had already left with hobo. Pietro without second thought used the stairwell to get to the lobby before her using his superspeed.


Now Pietro makes it even before the elevator reaches lobby , the elevator doors open , Wanda still crying , silent tears slid down her cheeks , eyes puffy , hobo leaks her hand but that doesn't help her. This makes Pietro feel bad , he was such bad big brother , she maybe smart and think straight but he was 12 minutes older than her , he was supposed look after his sister , he had terribly failed as a brother as of now. He makes a move to go and talk but stops dead in his track , as he sees a cute little guy with brown hair talk to his sister. He immediately goes into a protective brother mode , his thoughts running wild , several dark scenarios craft in his mind.

'Who is this guy?...what's he doing here? What does he want from my sister?...is he hydra spy in disguise?...or..or...or'

When Pietro sees the guy hug his sister as his sister bawls her eyes out on this stranger, paying no mind to people looking at them, his bloods boils .

'How dare he touch my sister , that fucker , don't touch her , take your dirty ....yet pretty...god ...what am I thinking... HANDS OFF SISTER YOU STRANGER

The guy , now dubbed Stranger by Pietro seems to know that they were being watched , which makes Pietro even become wary of him

'he is definitely a Spy'

Pietro gets close to hear what they're talking, he sees the guy talking in his phone to  his "Manager" as he would take a leave today , and his "Boss" and after that he tuned out he heard no more , coz the word boss intrigued him the most

'is he tricking Wanda into getting trapped ? I better follow them , catch this stranger and his boss together, Don't worry Wanda , I will protect you from this Guy. '

He watches as the Stranger urges Wanda out of the building. Pietro follows them to the subway and board the same train. On his way he grabs , a hoodie , glasses and mask from a store. The stranger however had made sure Wanda wore the basic necessities a celebrity should have, if being a part of Avengers count as Celebrity that is. The necessities include , hoodie , mask and glasses. Wanda wasn't wearing glasses. For precaution he even grabbed a newspaper as to not being spotted.

He watched as the Stranger and Wanda listened to music , the Stranger was drawing people around him in a sketchbook , he occasionally petted hobo and cracked silly jokes making Wanda laugh occasionally. Pietro felt happy seeing his sister happy but was still wary of the stranger beside.

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