How we met...

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Wanda was stuck in the Stark tower like some Disney princess , she needed some fresh air and Pietro , her brother wasn't making it easy either. He had been annoying her since that morning. It was Sunday meaning more time to kill and Pietro's way of killing time is annoying his sister and beating Clint in every Video game. It took all her strength to not snap at her annoying brother. Pietro was the only living family she has got by blood, which is why she always put up with his amazingly annoying brother. She usually took her revenge during prank wars.

Natasha and Clint had always been nice to Wanda and Pietro. They became sort of like parental figures to the twins. They loved them like their own children. Clint's wife divorced him when he joined Avengers, it was mutual understanding. But Clint missed his family for time to time.

Wanda finally wasn't having it, she left her room making her way to the elevator. She passed Pietro's room , he wasn't there. She was thinking of taking him with her to wherever she was going. She disguised herself , you know the basic hoodie , sunglasses and mask . She got to the elevator and the AI chimed

"Ms.Maximoff , where do you like me to take you ? Also would like me notify someone of your departure?"

"Take me to the lobby Fri, and tell Pietro that I am going to get myself a boyfriend" she added playfully. Knowing her brother's reaction to it, she chuckled. The doors open to reveal a bustling lobby with people running errands even on holiday.

'Is this place ,ever empty'

She walked out of through the main doors and into the busy streets. She was going to popular pets cafe  , just so she could play with little puppies and kittens. She loved playing with those cute fur balls. She took the Subway for a change she usually takes taxis. She sat at the window , she didn't know how people spent time in long ride while taking subway. As she was waiting to arrive at her destination, destiny was working it's way to unite two souls for greater good.(more like author trying to loom stories (≧▽≦) hope you're enjoying so far)

Peter left his aunt's apartment , he had to work at the pets cafe which is so popular , since he put ads without the owner knowing that. It was an awesome place with perfect atmosphere for distracting yourself from the reality and enjoying the bliss of petting those cute fur balls, can you blame him for doing that. He worked there only at weekends. He took the Subway and plugged his headphones in, listening to Led Zeppelin Album.

Peter took a seat next to someone , he left some place in between person who he was sitting with , he didn't bat an eye who he was sitting with . He just grabbed his sketch book and started drawing the people around him , to pass time until the ride to the cafe, music still blasting in his ears. It helps him with ADHD. Then he finally did noticed the person who was sitting next to him. It was girl his age , he could tell that , she was wearing a red tank top and ripped black jeans , covering her more than half of her features with hoodie sunglasses and mask.

'uh she looks pretty much like hiding her identity, must be a celebrity or something like that' he thought

He waved at her.

Wanda was stunned just seeing him sit next to him. He looked so young like 10 year old or something. He was sketching the people in the Subway. He had curly brown chestnut hair , which almost covering his eyes , his eyes seemed like they were sparkling pool of chocolate milkshake. Wanda was totally admiring the boy next him. He hadn't noticed her far too long and when he did he waved at her shyly.

'I swear to God if someone hurt this guy , I will personally burn their life, he's so cute ...wait what am I doing ? He is probably younger than me...'

Peter tried to start the conversation

"Uh hi , Miss. Can I sketch you ?"
"Uh hi , yeah sure"
"Do you want the sketch though?"
"If you don't mind , yes please kid"
"Hey , I am as old as you are , you are 17 aren't you?"
"Wait, what, you are 17?"
"I know I look like 10 year old but excuse me I am well not 17 but will be in 2 months I guess"
"You just told your age to a stranger, have you not known that term stranger danger "
"I know that , you seem like person who I can trust , my gut instincts can never be wrong, I am peter , Peter Parker " he held his hand to shake "And you are?"
"Uh just don't freak when I say my name ok"
"Yeah I can do that , you are some celebrity right?"
"Yeah, I am Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet witch" she whispered and shook her hands with him. Peter's Anxiety peaked up , his watch started to blink rapidly , the AI whiz started playing soothing music in his headphones which calmed him down a bit. By the time they could talk any further , the train stopped

"Shoot , that's my stop"Peter says rushing towards the door.
"Funny , that's mine too" she says "anyway ,where are you going Peter ??"she adds
"Oh, uh , there is this pet cafe which is kinda popular , I work there"
"Oh my , is this destiny , cause that could be co-incidence , I am going there too, can I join there please"
"Uh sure"

They didn't talked much. Wanda was trying to read his mind all along their walk to the cafe. But oddly enough she couldn't get through , as if he had blocked almost everything from everyone. Wanda was now worried , because the only people who have a kind block are either trained spies or assassins or someone who is truly broken from within. This got her intrested in knowing him more. He immediately waved and left to work . She sat in the corner and saw him worker , he looked happy, but she knew there was something, he was hurting from inside  so badly. They said their goodbyes.

' wow I just got myself a friend besides the avengers, something tells me he isn't what he looks like, may be he could be more than just friends, he is so polite and kind'

Peter couldn't believe he just met an avenger and became friends with them

'whew , she was trying to read my mind this whole time, I mean if she had , she wouldn't probably like to be friends with me, does she thinks me as a friend though'

He left patrol , like usual. Met his friends , they're working on busting the big mafia boss in the city , well known as Kingpin. They have done fairly enough job and said their goodbyes. DP and DD hadn't bought the identity thing up yet , it's been 2 weeks they had outed themselves to peter, which peter wasn't expecting a tad bit. His mind was still wandering around as how he met Wanda and drifted into dreamless sleep.

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