Complicated Feelings

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Tony walks to Wanda's room , he is gonna try and be gentle as possible to explain her as to why she shouldn't go out of the tower often and tell her that she can't team up with the local vigilantes of New York. Tony understands that she needs fresh air once in while , he definitely understands why she protected the civilians while she was out. But Government won't , the terms they had put for Avengers were clear, as they state they can't go out be hero every night. They are supposed to be the big leagues as much some would love to go help civilians on daily basis , they aren't allowed it until they have orders. Tony was trying his best to show Avengers were not a threat , as much as damage they have caused in all this years but He had volunteered and payed the penalty , provided charity funds to the people who lost their valuables. He made a new branch "Damage Control" to keep the infrastructure of new york intact no matter what happened.


Wanda was on her chair , hobo in her lap , as she stroked his fur. Hobo melts into her touch and snuggles close to Wanda. She hears a knock on the door.

"Come in"

" Hey... Wanda, I see you're playing with hobo"

"Yeah , hey Tony , what brings you here"

"Oh umm we need to talk"

" Of course , take a sit"

" Thank you , so Wanda I know you have been going out of the tower quite often lately, I really don't mind that but last time when yo were out , you helped a bunch of vigilantes to take down a villain who had a hostage...which I really appreciate but..."

"but...? Did I do something wrong?"

"No , no no you didn't , it's just you know we signed the terms made by the government right"

"Mm hmm"

" So you know those terms , because they think some of us are quite hostile, like you know Banner , Natasha, You And Pietro mostly all of us , I am just here to ask you not to go quite often outside "

"Umm but I have this friend, I met every weekend and some weekdays"

" I know...can you just not "

" But -"

"I am done here , ok , if you still go outside , I am not taking responsibility for any damage you might cause"

" Are trying to -?" As Wanda starts to read his mind , her eyes glow faint red

" Don't . You. Dare" Tony warns

"Tony..... Why would think like that?!!"

"Wanda... listen it's complicated, it's not what you think it is "

"NO , YOu DOnT GET TO SAY THAT. HoW DARE YOU..." Wanda's eyes are now glowing dangerously red , and hobo had started to bark at Tony as if asking him to leave them alone.


Tony left Wanda , he didn't expect her to look into his head , and know something that she wasn't supposed to know. He is not scared , he is ashamed , it happened because of his earlier weapon and ballistics department which he shut down later after he realised the death and destruction those weapons brought. He's not proud of being his father's legacy. He hated his father , he hates himself for not realising the destruction the weapons he made caused. It is well all a mess.


Wanda can't un-see what she saw in his head, the weapons he made had killed her parents , leaving them orphans and allow to die. They were saved yes , by the wrong people , by hydra , who treated them so bad like animals, they gave them powers to destroy the world and make new one , but then later avengers busted the base they were in and they both were taken in by Natasha , they didn't resist them. She and Pietro were tired of fighting they just hoped they are in good hands , and they were. 2 years with the Avengers had been beautiful part of her life , then they signed the terms all that they were happy.

"He is the reason , they're dead " Wanda couldn't help it , she can't her throat closing in , she feels so suffocated in this place , she needs leave , she has to , she can't , she can't breathe. Wanda takes hobo with her and dashes to the elevator door not knowing what to do , she gets in the elevator and asks Friday to take her to the lobby , she was crying so much , she couldn't handle this. She needs someone to talk to .

'if only peter was here'

The elevator opens at the lobby and to her surprise it's peter who seems to be in hurry , for a moment she thinks she's hallucinating , she finally snaps from her mini trance and says


"Wanda..?! hi..."

"What are you doing here?"

"I work here .......suprise " he says , he looks at Wanda carefully and asks "hey , are you alright? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" he quickly adds at last because he has no idea what happened , she looks so sad and this does something weird to peter. He feels so bad looking at his friend like that , so he feels obligated to make her feel better , he would do anything to make her feel better. When she doesn't answer , he hugs here without warning , coz that was all he could think to give her comfort, he knew how hugs can do wonders , he wouldn't admit it but he likes hugs from people he care about. Wanda cries , it moves something in peter again. He tries to soothe her by rubbing her back.

"'s okay...just let it out... everything's going to be fine...I don't know what happened......but whatever it is I am here can always talk to me... I promise I will be there for you... Ok..."

They break apart ,Wanda was still clinging to peter , her eyes were glazed from tears. Peter wanted to kill whoever made Wanda cry, he just can't see her cry.

'huh...oh god what am I thinking, Spider-Man doesn't kills maybe threaten yeah I could do that...why do I have such feelings towards her......stupid heart stupid hormones...get your head straight peter , she needs comfort not your complicated thoughts and unexplored emotions'

"I will take a leave today , we could to the Animal shelter, I work there sometimes , it would be fun ....I will make a call to my manager and my boss at Animal shelter....Just a moment"

He flips the numbers , and quickly informs his manager that he won't be able to show today to which his manager politely agrees and asks him to take care. Then he tells his boss saying he and a friend of his want to volunteer at Animal shelter for the evening , his boss happily agrees to let them do that in exchange for good sum , though peter declines , his boss would make him take it. So peter after getting sum would put half in the Animal shelter charity box and other half to the orphanage nearby , as an orphan he knew what their needs could be. He infact knew the owner of the orphanage was a good person so without hesitation he would drop the half sum in the charity box.

Long forgotten Hobo barked happily at peter who took him and petted him. Hobo licked peter face.

"Yeah buddy I missed you too"

Peter urged Wanda outside the building , he felt someone watching their every moment since he met Wanda near the elevator. He didn't really care his first priority was making  Wanda feel better , so he took her to the subway that would take them to the Animal shelter where peter volunteers.

The whole ride included silly jokes cracked by Peter  , Wanda smiling , hobo occasionally snuggling , random drawing of people in the train , and some soothing Music for the pair. It just felt so natural and something special to both of them who unaware of their complicated Feelings.


I know last chapter was short hence a little bit lengthy chapter... I guess

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