Chapter 1 : The Ceremony

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Elizabeth's POV.

Elizabeth woke up from a long sleep. She had that one dream again. The last couple of months that one dream has been haunting her. Its always the same one. When her father Rosemary and herself crossed the sea towards Port Royal. And they saved William Turner.

Elizabeth stood up and walked over to her cabinet, she opened a top drawer and clicked open the bottom of the drawer. To reveal an double bottom. There was an old dusty necklace. And she picked it up.

Elizabeth put it around her neck and took it in her hand to look at it closely.

'LIZZY! ARE YOU DECENT?' An loud voice sounded at the other side of the door.

'I GOT YOU SOMETHING GREAT!' The same voice sounded and before Elizabeth could answer the door. The owner of that voice was inside her room.

General pov

'Lizzy, I swear to god look at this! I worked my ass of it all night ! but I think you'll love it! And so will Captain Norrington or should I say Commodore Norrington.' Rosemary winked at Elizabeth.

Rosemary was a strawberry blonde 20 year old girl with green eyes. Her father was once commodore of the fleet  in command of Weatherby Swann. Elizabeth's father.

Sadly on his last voyage he got caught in an pirate attack and his whole crew was killed by an fast ship with black sails. Her mother couldn't live with the loss of her father and killed herself.      Weatherby couldn't live by his mistake to send the commodore to that island and took Rosemary in as his own. By then he was about to be governor of Port Royal a new British colony in the Caribbean sea. So he took everything including Elizabeth and Rosemary and they went to Port Royal.

Everyone had been good to Rosemary and she actually turned out to be a wonderful tailor.

So she started learning from Port Royal's tailor and eventually she was happy there and made all of Elizabeth and her own dresses. So for the ceremony it was no different.

Rosemary's POV.

I was already wearing my dress. An Golden yellow dress with an with a tight top. To make my front look slightly bigger. And a wavy skirt.

For Elizabeth I made a beautiful paper yellow/white dress with a lace top and sleeves. I also made a cute hat to match it perfectly.

'Comeon Lizzy ! let me help you into this dress!' 

I pushed my best friend behind the blinds and flipped out a corset.

'This will be a bit of a struggle but it will look great! Everyone wears one at the place I get my fabrics'   She pulled at Elizabeth her corset and she took a sharp breath.

General POV

Mr Swann came knocking on the door.

'Elizabeth are you decent?'

'Its okay Mr. Swann I'm already here!' Rosemary said back and he came into the room.

'I'm wondering what kind of gown you have made for Elizabeth this time Rosemary' he smiled at the blinds proudly. Even though Rosemary wasn't his daughter he was so happy he took her in. Elizabeth had never been alone in her live, she always had a big sister to look up to in Rosemary. And Rosemary always acted nicely and behaved. She understood her place and was working in the working class now. But she was Elizabeth's first hand tailor and she still attended all the party's , funerals and ceremony's with Mr. Swann and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth let out a sharp breath and Mr.  Swann asked if she was okay.

'That's difficult to say' Elizabeth replied plainly

'Lizzy are you really telling me how to dress you for the ceremony. Be a good girl and put up with my skills!!' Rosemary complained back to her.

Mr. Swann chuckled at the two girls bickering at each other, when he got called by one of his servants that he had a visitor.

Rosemary's POV.

I finally got done dressing Elizabeth and she looked stunning as always.

' You look amazing Lizzy! Here let me help you with your hat. ' I put Elizabeth's hair up with a few pins and then place the hat on her head.

'Okay you're all done now Liz' I said with a huge smirk.

Word had spread around town that Captain Norrington was going to ask for Elizabeth's hand. And for the both of them that was an amazing choice.

' Let me just touch up myself and then we can go' I said while looking in Elizabeth's mirror. I had let my hair half down half up. My ends were curled and wavy and I had a tight braid in the middle of my head going down in the middle. I had two small pieces of hair on the sides of my face so it still looked a bit playful. And took my umbrella with me.

' Lets go Liz' I said with a smirk its gonna be a big day for you.

When we walked down the stairs we saw mr Swann talk with Will. One of my best friends and Elizabeth her first crush which she still had I'm sure.

' WILL' I screeched and flew down the stairs pulling him in for a hug.

'Oh it has been so long' He smiled at me and said he had missed me to. But I could see he couldn't keep his eyes of Elizabeth. I started smirking but didn't say anything. ' Lets go mr Swann.' I said with a soft smile and walked outside with him towards the carriage.

Elizabeth closely followed and when her father didn't look at me I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She turned as red as a beet and looked away from me. 



I DID IT! I wanted to write a potc fanfic for so fucking long! Ive been obsessed with the story's that add a completely new character in the movies. and I just started writing this on my own! 

So i really hope you guys enjoyed it. but please bear with my typing skills it will get better eventually 

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