Chapter 4: The Brig

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Rosemary's POV

By the time I woke up I lied washed up on the beach and the sun was already shining bright.

I cought up water I had swallowed and stood up. Looking at the port.

The Black Pearl was long gone. And I cursed under my breath.

'Shit shit shit they got Lizzy'

I ran up to the house but there was no one there. Only the servants who were so happy to see me. But I waved them off and ran back to the port to see Will standing in front of Norrington and Mr. Swann.

'Mr. SWANN' I let out a huge sob and ran straight into his arms.

Everyone stood around me while I was sobbing against him.

'Th...They... They have taken.. Lizzy' I brought out in sobs and an enourmess ugly cry,.

'We know Rose' Mr. Swann said and he rubbed on my back.

'Are you all right Rose you're soaking! Where have you been'

I couldn't even catch my breath but I told them everything as soon as I calmed down enough.

'They've taken her.. with them. And I was stupid enough wanting to fight with Barbossa so they threw me overboard' I hiccupped

'I wish they kept me not her' I said crying again.

'You're not the only one' I heard Norrington say as he was busy planning a voyage probably to save Elizabeth.

'Excuse me?!' I stood up. Throwing the jacket Will gave me of my shoulders standing in front of him in only my nightgown.

'Where were you when we both got kidnapped.

I STOOD BY HER SIDE JAMES! Where the fuck were you!' I cursed at him. Slapping him across the face.

 Will pulled me of him.

'Lets go Rose. He's not worth our time' Will said as he dragged me away from the port towards my shop. With a cursing me who was willing to fight Norrington over everything he had.

When we were in my shop I walked to the back to get more comfortable and dry clothes for myself.

Will explained that he had heard Jack Sparrow had mentioned the Black Pearl and probably knew more about it.

And he could maybe even lead us towards the Black Pearl and save Elizabeth.

While Will was explaining I was dressing myself in a pair of pants and a long blouse with puffy sleeves. And a brown under burst corset. Which I actually synced myself.

And a pair of boots.

I walked out of the back of the store towards Will.

Who looked at me with his eyebrow's raised.

'This is going to cause a fuzz you know that right?

'Yeah I know that's why I have this. ' I pulled out a dark green loose dress and threw it over my head. I synced myself but not as tight. So you would not see any lines of my pants or corset on it.

'I made this from cheap but good looking fabric. I could lose it at any time and not even cry about it.' I said with an wink to Will.

'Lets go! To the brig' I said while closing down my shop.

General POV

Will and Rose were off to the brig.

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