Chapter 15: Commodore

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General POV

'But we've got to save Will!' Elizabeth and Rose said towards Mr. Swann.

'You're safe now.' He said to Elizabeth.

'And I'm not done with you yet' Mr. Swann said to me.

'Forgive me sir. But I did found her didn't I.

And I got her back.'

'You've worked together with an pirate Mrs. Gillette' Norrington spat at Rose.

Which made Gillette chuckle behind him.

There was a shiver down Rosemary's spine.

'what?' Rose said softly looking down. 

'You heard me. Miss Rivers.'

Rosemary took Jack's gun out of his belt and held it in front of Norrington's face.

'Say that again and I'll pull the trigger you bloody bastard' Rose cursed at him.

'Now now miss Rivers. That's an attitude all right.

Mr. Sparrow must have teached you a few things.' He laughed stiffly.

' That's what I thought' Rose said lowering the gun and giving it back to Jack.

Rose walked back over towards Elizabeth and Mr. Swann. Who were looking shocked.

'Sorry' She shrugged.

'Well we will return to Port Royal immediately' Mr. Swann said.

'Not go gallivanting after pirates'

'Then we condemn him to death' Elizabeth spat at her father.

'The boy's fate is regrettable, but then so is his decision to engage in piracy.' Mr. Swann said.

'To rescue me. To prevent anything from happening to me.' Elizabeth argued. 

'And what about me. Will I be hanging on the gallows now to' Rose said her arms crossed.

'I have done what I can for you Rose. You can still live in Port Royal if you marry '

Rosemary scoffed but kept her mouth shut.

'If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion.' Jack interrupted the conversation.

'The pearl was listing after the battle

Its very unlikely she'll be able to make good time.

Think about it.

The Black Pearl the last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. ' Jack said to Norrington.

'How can you pass that up, eh?' Jack asked Norrington.

'By remembering that I serve others, not only myself.' Norrington said to Jack.

'Commodore, I beg you, please do this. For me .' Elizabeth said walking past Jack. Towards Norrington.

'As a wedding gift.' Elizabeth said.

Rose looked up towards Jack. Her mouth hanging open.

Jack motioned that it was hanging open.

And Rose thanked him for mentioning.

But Rose did raise her eyebrow.

And scooted over to Jack.

'I thought she loved William?' Jack asked

' She does. But this is the only way to bring Will back.' Rose said sadly.

'She is smart. But this will be so hard for her.' Rose said closing her eyes.

'Elizabeth' Mr. Swann said.

' Does this mean you're accepting the proposal.' He asked.

'Yes. Yes I am' Elizabeth said

' I love weddings!' Jack suddenly exclaimed.

'Drinks all around!'

Jack looked up to Norrington.

'I get it I get it. Clap m in Chains' Jack said putting his arms forward.

'Mr. Sparrow you will accompany these fine men to the helm.

You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meaning of the phrase.

Silent as the grave' James said to him.

Rosemary was hit like a bus.

Did James just act normal towards Jack.

'Did I make myself clear?' Norrington said.

'Inescapably clear.' Jack said.

Jack got taken to the helm with a few soldiers.

And Mr. Swann took Elizabeth to the captain's quarters.

So it just left Rosemary , Norrington and Gillette.

'Now Miss Rivers now we shall act on your behavior' Gillette smirked.

Walking over to her.

Norrington frowned towards Gillette.

'You stay over there you disgusting piece of shit.' Rose said while pointing her sword at him.

'You've done enough Gillette. You acted like you cared. Then took my maiden hood and left me for garbage. You didn't even make a fast planning for a wedding and ignored me completely.

You just thought it would bring you higher up the governors ass. ' Rose spat at him.

'So I made a choice when I went away with Jack and Will.

And I'm not completely sure you have told your commodore what has been going on. '

Rosemary said with an attitude. Crossing her arms. Taking a defensive stance.

Norrington was frowning even further.

'You've hurt me like I was hoping no one could.

And with the skills I have learned now. I will cut of your head from your romp with just a swift move.' Rose spat at him. Her hatred was flowing through her eyes.

'Commodore. Do you really believe this bullshit' Gillette said

'She probably just got cold feet. And doesn't want to marry me anymore. Or she is in love with that pirate!' Gillette spat at me.

'one swift move Gillette' Rose said again.

'Both of you shut it!' Norrington said.

'Rosemary, is this really true? ' Norrington asked me genuinely.

'It is James.. I swear to my dad.. ' she said looking up at him. Putting her sword back in her belt.

'Men. Take Gillette to the brig. I will take with him when I have time. Don't listen to anything he says. He's there to stay' Norrington said and walked away.

Rose stood there silent. Looking at the men she hated for years.

He just cleared her horizon.

'James.. ' Rose said softly making Norrington turn towards her.

'Thankyou..' Rose said softly looking in his eyes with tears in her eyes.

'Always' he plainly said and walked away. 


Well? Did you think Gillette took such a dark turn ? Heheh. 

And How do you think the next chapter is gonna go? c:<

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