Chapter 18 : Females can wield swords to

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General POV.

Will was fighting three pirates at the same time.

It actually went pretty well.

But they can't die so every time while hoped he had one. It stood back up.

And now one even threw a bomb towards him what made him jump and lay on his back.

'I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain' the pirate said

'Do you like pain?'

And the pirate got struck into his head with a huge bar.

'Try wearing a corset' Elizabeth snapped at him.

'Elizabeth!' Will exclaimed Elizabeth then pulled him up.

The three pirates were smirking and walking towards them.

Elizabeth did not have a sword so she went running off. A pirate following her.

'That's kinda mean you know. Following a lady without having a weapon. I mean that's not really a fair fight' Rose said jumping in front off Elizabeth and slicing his arm off with her sword.

She winked at him.

'Sorry not sorry' she took the sword out of the hand she just sliced off and gave it to Elizabeth.

'Please try and don't die' she begged Elizabeth.

'Give it up Jack' We could hear Barbossa spat.

' You can't beat me' He said while throwing his sword away.

Which made Jack stand up and push his sword right through Barbossa stomach.

Which made Barbossa sigh.

And he pushed his sword right through Jack's stomach. Making him tumble backwards.

Rosemary's POV

'NO' I screamed at Barbossa and jumped right in front of him.

Falling over Jack.

'why did you do that Jack. You know he can't die..' I sobbed hanging over him.

Jack took my hand and laid something in it.

'Jack..' I exclaimed.

But Barbossa pulled me back. Holding my hair.

'How are you still alive you filthy girl' Barbossa spat at me.

'Wouldn't you like to know I said smirking and turned around. As he let go of my hair.

'First you kill my father. Then you kidnap my sister. Then you almost murder Will and now you just kill Jack.

I won't have this' I spat at him. And sat my sword at his throat.

'Maybe you can't die but I can cut your head clean off.' I said while smirking at him.

'My dad didn't fear you. Why should I?'

And he looked at me and frowned.

'You little piece of shit' he said as he clenched his sword with mine.

General POV

'Oh my god' Elizabeth exclaimed.

'Is Jack dead?'

'I don't think he is' Will said.

'and what is Rosemary even thinking!' Elizabeth exclaimed while they were fighting the other three pirates of them.

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