Chapter 8: The Crew

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General POV:

The next morning Gibbs had lined up a crew in the port. For Jack to choose from or accept them all that was his call.

Rosemary walked out of the captain's quarters.

She had put away a few outfits she had purchased in Tortuga.

Rose was wearing a dark green linen dress (see picture) and a belt which she had wrapped 3 times around her waist. She tucked a sword in there.

Her sleeves were tight but loosened at the end. And the skirt was longer on the sides. But shorter in the middle so it was easier to run.

She wore the same boots she was wearing when she came here. And her hat on her wavy long hair.

She walked down to the port were Will was already waiting with Gibbs.

'Where's Jack? ' Rose asked.

'Probarly laying it off with some kind of whore' Will joked but quickly closed his mouth when he saw me frowning towards him.

Jack came walking down the port.

'Ah Captain! Lets begin shall we' Gibbs fastly said.

'Feast your eyes, Captain.

All of them, faithful hands before the mast.

Every man worth his salt, and crazy to boot.' Gibbs said while Jack was strolling trough the line of sailors.

'So this is your able-bodied crew?' Will asked.

Jack didn't say a word and walked past a few more sailors before stopping at a man with a parrot on his shoulder.

'You sailor!' Jack said abruptly

'Cotton sir.' Gibbs said.

'Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?'

Cotton stayed silent while looking at Jack.

'MR COTTON! Answer, Man!'

'He's a mute sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out.

So he trained his parrot to talk for him. ' Gibbs explained.

Cotton opened his mouth and you could see his tongue cut clean off.

Jack was looking a little disgusted. But Will and Rose watched over Jack's shoulders fascinated.

'No one's yet figured out how.'

Jack was about to walk further, when he took his step back.

'Mr. Cotton's parrot, same question.' Jack said

'Ah wind in the sails! Wind in ur sails! ' The parrot screeched.

'Mostly we figure that means 'yes' ' Gibbs stated.

'Ofcourse it does. ' Jack said.

'Satisfied? ' Jack asked Will and then looked over at Rose.

'Well, you've proved they're mad.' Rose said while walking up towards Jack. Her arms crossed and her eyes squeezed together from the sun.

'And what's the benefit for us' a voice called from the line of crewmates.

So Jack took a stroll through the line again.

Falling on a shorter sailor with an huge hat.

'Ana Maria' Jack said with a smile. When he lifted the hat of the womans head.

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