Chapter 21: Bring me that horizon.

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General POV'

Jack made it towards the Black Pearl.

And Cotton threw out a line.

Which Jack gratefully took.

'HEAVE' a pirate shouted. To which they all pulled and they pulled Jack on board.

He landed on the upper deck.

'Weren't you supposed to keep to the code?' Jack asked Gibbs who was walking towards him.

'We figured they were more actual.. well guidelines.' Gibbs answered.

He stuck out his hand which Jack took and pulled him up.

The whole crew stood around them.

Cotton gave him his hat.

'Thankyou' Jack said thankfully

'Captain Sparrow' Ana Maria smiled looking at him.

'I thought you would have brought your little damsel with you' Ana Maria referred to one of her best friends.

'Rose thought it would be better if she stayed there.' Jack said a bit of sad came over him.

'It that so?' Ana Maria frowned.

'But I thought Will said to..' Ana Maria started.

'Maybe Mrs. Rivers actually wanted to stay there' Jack softly said.

The crew was silent for a brief moment.

'But anyway' Ana Maria said.

'The Black Pearl is yours' She walked over to him.

Giving him his coat back.

And draping it around his shoulders.

Jack walked over to the helm. And softly touched it.

It had been a while since he felt this happy.

But there was something missing. Something aching

Was he really missing Rose. Was it an mistake to not drag her here.. he thought to himself.

'Really guys' A familiar voice sounded.

'You reel him in like a hero. But I need to climb up myself.'

'Rose' Jack said with his mouth open.

The crew ran towards her. And pulled her in a tight hug. One by one.

Ana Maria was sobbing.

' I was almost thinking you really wanted to stay there ' she sobbed.

Rose was smiling at giving her a tight hug back.

'Welcome aboard Miss Rivers' Gibbs said smiling.

'Glad to be back Master Gibbs' Rose said tearing up and pulling him into a hug.

Jack was still looking at Rose standing at the helm.

She was drenched to the bone. But she really just swam this whole way to the ship.

'Looks good on you' Rose shouted up towards Jack. Who was getting out of his trance.

'Being actually Captain' Rose said smiling as she walked up towards the upper deck.

Jack smirked.

'You really know how to make my blood boil don't you' Jack said chuckling.

'Well Will pushed me of the cliff. Because I was bawling my eyes out' Rose said rolling her eyes.

'They probably wanted to catch up after all those years of wrenching around each other .

And they don't need me for that.' Rose said her hand on the rail.

'We need to do some wrenching of our own. ' Jack said as he took her hand of the rail.

Which made Rose look up towards him.

The whole crew was in awe of what was happening.

Which made Jack look down towards the lower deck.

'on deck, you scabrous dogs!

Hands to braces!

Let go and haul to run free!' Jack screamed at them.

And they all were off to do their work.

Jack looked at Rose again.

Deep into her eyes. He laid his hand on her cheek.

Rose lied her hand on his. And kissed it slowly.

'They understood?' Jack asked

'They wanted me to be free , and be happy' Rose answered smiling softly.

To which Jack filled the gap between their lips. And laid his arm in the small of her back. Turning her backwards. So she would lift her feet up and hold on tightly to his coat.

Rose smirked in the kiss. And let herself hang into his embrace.

Which earned a few whistle's from the crew and a smirking Ana Maria.

Jack let go of Rose and walked towards the helm.

Rose was blushing. But she knew she would be happy here.

So she walked over to Jack and stood by his side.

'Now bring me that Horizon' Jack said. 



MY FIRST Pirates of the Caribbean movie!!

How did you guys like it??

I will upload one more chapter saturday! 

hehehe and its R Rated >:D

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