Chapter 6 : On our way

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General POV

We actually did it Rosemary thought to herself.

We commandeered a ship. And the interceptor none the less.

She was well supplied and an easy ship to handle. She was a really fast vessel so she was almost flying over the waves.

Jack was a really easygoing captain. He told Will and Rosemary exactly what they needed to do. And helped them out.

It was really weird. But Jack was kinda nice. He was polite and gave Rosemary the captain's quarters.

So she would be as comfortable as she could.

He threatened her just a few days ago but he seemed like a completely different person. Or atleast that how he comes off now.

'My mother raised me by herself.' Will told Jack while he was polishing his sword.

'After she died, I came out here, looking for my father.'

'Is that so?' Jack said while looking at the sails and tightening them.

'My father, Bill Turner?' Will said as he put his sword down and walked after Jack.

Rosemary was reading a book she found In the captain's quarters and sat against the mast.

But she looked up when Will stood up and walked after Jack.

'It was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help.

Since that's what I wanted, I didn't press the matter.

I'm not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father.' Will was standing behind Jack making himself stand up straight. He wanted to know these answers.

Ever since Will came into the life of Rosemary and Elizabeth, he had been their big brother helped them in any way he could. He had loved Elizabeth from the moment he met her. And Rosemary was like sister to him. They are best friends. And she knew how hard it had been on him, that he knew nothing about his father.

Rosemary's POV

Good for you Will. Rosemary thought to herself.

I closed my book and stood up. I wanted to see this. I have known Will for eight years. And I have known every struggle he had from not knowing what happened or where his father is.

And I wanted to be there for him. Every step of the way.

So I walked up the stairs to the upper deck.

When I heard Jack say.

'I knew him.' Jack turned around towards Will and looked him in the eyes.

'Probarly one of the few who knew him as William Turner.

Everyone else just called him ' Bootstrap' or 'Bootstrap Bill' Jack said as he walked past will towards the helm.

'Bootstrap?' Will said to himself

'Good man. Good pirate.' Jack said while getting the rope of the helm. To get control over the stir'

I stood still.

Did Jack just say 'good pirate'? I thought to myself and laid my hand on my mouth. Because it was hanging open.

' I swear you look just like him.' Jack said to Will before getting his focus back to the helm.

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