Chapter 10: Isla the Muerta.

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General POV

The crew was getting the dinghy ready to go ashore.

And Rose was making herself ready to go in. she tied her hair up in a high ponytail. So it wouldn't be in the way at all.

She wore pants and a coat this time so she wouldn't have any trouble running.

She stole the coat from one of the crew.

Because she wasn't wearing anything from Norrington's closet.

Will on the other hand was ready to jump in the dinghy and to get Elizabeth back straight away.

As soon as Jack and Rose came towards the dinghy Will stepped in.

The three of them nodded to each other before the dinghy was lowered onto the water.

Will was rowing them towards the entrance of a cave.

The entrance of Isla the Muerta Rosa assumed.

As soon as we entered the cave the atmosphere changed. It felt horrible and smelled like death and rust.

'What code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?' Will asked Jack

'Pirates code' Jack said

'Any man who falls behind is left behind.'

'No heroes amongst thieves, eh?' Will said while he was looking around the cave.

'You know, For having such a bleak outlook on pirates, your both well on your way to becoming one.

Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga, And you're completely obsessed with treasure.' Jack said to both Will and Rose.

The dinghy reached the small shore. And everyone jumped out.

Rose didn't say anything on Jack's comment.

But Will couldn't help himself.

'Im not completely obsessed with treasure'

Both Jack and Rose were ignoring his comments and crawling further towards all the noise.

'Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate. ' Jack said as an reply on Will's comment.

In the distance we could hear Barbossa talk towards his crew.

'Gentleman the time has come!'

Rose was ducking behind a wall of rocks. With Jack and Will. trying to peek on what was happening and if she could see Elizabeth.

'Our salvation is nigh!' Barbossa sounded again.

Rose could get an almost clear view.

She saw Barbossa standing on a rock decorated with treasure.

Elizabeth was standing right next to him. Behind a treasure chest. Which Rose assumed was the one with all those amulets.

'Our torment is near an end!' Barbossa sounded again.

'Elizabeth' Rose breathed.

'What the bloody hell is she wearing. That color looks hideous on her!' Rose cursed under her breath.

To which Jack looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

'For ten years we've been tested and tried, and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over. And a hundred times again! '

To which his whole crew stood cheering and shouting.

'Punished we were, the lot of us, disproportionate to our crime!'

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