Chapter 7 : Tortuga

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General POV

The trio jumped off the interceptor and landed on the dock of Tortuga.

Will was carefully looking around seeing a lot of drunken sailors and woman with really tight dresses and loads of makeup on their faces.

Rosemary loosened her hair out of the ponytail and took her hat, she placed it on her head to make her outfit complete.

Even though Rosemary was walking around in Tortuga and not Port Royal she wanted to look the best she could. She was a tailor after all.

'Stick with me' Jack said

'And Will hold her close'

We walked off deeper into Tortuga. Rosemary nor Will had any idea where Jack was leading them

'It is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep the sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga.

Savvy? '

The trio was walking around town and the further we walked into the town. The more drunken sailors , pirates or woman we saw.

'Well what do you think?' Jack asked . He turned around to look at Will and Rosemary.

'You know what I think ' Rosemary said while holding her nose up from the horrendous smell that was around. They were close to an shet or a urinating place.

'I love the people here, but I prefer it to be noon instead of the late late evening.'

Will was looking as confused as ever. He never had been to a place like this. And never seen a Woman dressing like that selling herself to drunken sailors.

' Ill tell you mate' Jack said while putting an arm around Will.

'If every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted.' Jack let go of Will.

And Rosemary was rolling her eyes at him.

Rosemary's POV

When we were about to walk further. A woman with dark red hair, and a lot of roots from the painting came up towards us.

Her makeup was all over her face. And her dress was to small and dirty.

'Scarlet!' Jack said while holding his arms open.

But she didn't stop to hug or talk to Jack.

Instead she slapped him right on his cheek.

Will and I both had our hand on our mouths and I couldn't help but laugh at Jack.

'Scarlet' looked me up and down and narrowed her eyes. Before she stomped off towards the group of girls she was with.

'Not sure I deserved that' Jack said asking himself.

'Well from the looks of her' I shrugged and bit on my lower lip holding back my chuckle.

But before we knew it a small blond girl stood before us.

'Giselle' Jack said looking a bit confused

'Who was she?' she said before slapping Jack across the cheeks again.

'And who is she' She said while pointing at me.

I hold up my hands.

'Nah sorry, I'm not with him' I simply said.

Giselle narrowed her eyes and then walked off.

'I May have deserved that' Jack mumbled before he spoke up.

'Will fetch me a few buckets of water'

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